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Welcome to iDigBio
GUID Guide for Data Providers
Data Ingestion Requirements
Biological Collections Databases & Tools
Digitization Workflows
Workflow Modules
Service Level Agreement (SLA)
iDigBio Website Analytics
Terms of Use Policy
iDigBio Intellectual Property Policy
Image File Format Requirements
Working Groups
Appliance Proposal
Workshop Proposal
Working Group Proposal
Multimedia Resources
A Strategic Plan for Establishing a Network Integrated Biocollections Alliance
Digital Imaging of Biological Type Specimens: A Manual of Best Practice, Results from a study of the European Network for Biodiversity Information
Digital Bee Collection Network : DBCNet ( NSF-BRC Grant )
Collection Data Registration at the Nationaal Herbarium Nederland: Data Guidelines
Collaborative databasing of North American Bee Collections (NSF-BRC Grant)
Digitizing the Yale Collections – it takes a Village
Exchangeable image file format for digital still cameras: Exif Version 2.2 (2002)
From Ink to Electrons: Issues to be Considered
Digital Imaging: Ethics
How to Digitize Large Insect Collections? Preliminary Results of the Dig Project
Image Capture and Processing: An Overview, Consortium of Pacific Northwest Herbaria
Report on trial of SatScan tray scanner system by SmartDrive Ltd.
Scientific Collections: Mission-Critical Infrastructure for Federal Science Agencies, A Report of the Interagency Working Group on Scientific Collections.
Semi-automated workflows for acquiring specimen data from label images in herbarium collections, Taxon
Biodiversity Informatics in Action: Identification and Monitoring of Bee Species Using ABIS
Biodiversity in a Rapidly Changing World: How to Manage and Use Information?
Avoiding twisted pixels: ethical guidelines for the appropriate use and manipulation of scientific digital images
Automontage Imaging Guidelines
Australian Museum Rapid Digitisation Project: A Guide to Handling and Digitising Archival Material – Registers
Australian Museum Data capture of specimen labels using volunteers
Assembling the Custom Components for Specimen Imaging
Advanced Techniques for Imaging Parasitic Hymenoptera (Insecta)
Accelerating Taxonomic Discovery Through Automated Character Extraction
Specimen Imaging Documentation: Consortium of Pacific Northwest Herbaria, Version 4.0.
The use of specimen label images for efficient data acquisition in research collections cataloguing: Workflow
Uses of Primary Species-Occurence Data
Utility (and Shortcomings) of High Resolution Drawer Imaging for Remote Curation and Outreach
Relational database design and implementation for biodiversity informatics
Reference Model for an Open Archival Information System (OAIS)
Principals of Data Quality
Not another frickin' database!
New York Botanical Garden Virtual Herbarium Best Practices Guide
Natural History Specimen Digitization: Challenges and Concerns
Moving Theory into Practice: Digital Imaging Tutorial
Innovative workflows for efficient data capture in an entomological collection: The MCZ Lepidoptera Rapid Data Capture Project
Initiating a Collection Digitization Project
Imaging of Specimens: Issues to be Considered
VertNet: A New Model for Biodiversity Data Sharing (The VertNet Steering Committee)
Five task clusters that enable efficient and effective digitization of biological collections
ZooKeys 209 (2012) Special Issue, No specimen left behind: mass digitization of natural history collections
Bringing Collections Out of the Dark
Darwin Core: An Evolving Community-Developed Biodiversity Data Standard
Increasing the efficiency of digitization workflows for herbarium specimens
InvertNet: a new paradigm for digital access to invertebrate collections
Integrating specimen databases and revisionary systematics
The future of citizen science: emerging technologies and shifting paradigms
Recognition of Humboldt's Handwriting in Complex Surroundings
Label Recognition in Herbarium Specimens by using Database-Queries
Object Recognition in Herbarium Specimens
Improvement of Omnipage18's Efficiency
iDigBio Botany 2012 Workshop: The Strategic Plan for Establishing a Network Integrated Biocollections Alliance
iDigBio Botany 2012 Workshop: The Five Task Clusters of Digitization
iDigBio Botany 2012 Workshop: An Industrial Engineer’s Perspective on Digitization
iDigBio Botany 2012 Workshop: A Library Science Perspective on Digitization
iDigBio Botany 2012 Workshop: Best Practices for Managing and Motivating the Digitizers
iDigBio Botany 2012 Workshop: Rapid Digitization of the World's Largest Herbarium
iDigBio Botany 2012 Workshop: "Organizing, implementing and utilizing a digitized small herbarium: Plans for an iDigBio Visiting Scholar Fellowship"
iDigBio Botany 2012 Workshop: "Databasing and digitization of a smaller herbarium at a smaller institution: it CAN be done and funded, too"
iDigBio Botany 2012 Workshop: The Swingle Plant Anatomy Collection: Making the case for digitizing unusual natural history collections
iDigBio Botany 2012 Workshop: SWITCH (SouthWest Idaho: The Comprehensive Herbarium)
iDigBio Botany 2012 Workshop: Integrating botanical and herbarium databases
iDigBio Botany 2012 Workshop: Implementing Optical Character Recognition in Herbarium Digitization Workflows: Current practices and challenges
iDigBio Botany 2012 Workshop: The Projeto Flora Amazo_nica field books: An excellent resource for improving data input efficiency
iDigBio Botany 2012 Workshop: Imaging Guidelines and Image Archiving Policy at The New York Botanical Garden
iDigBio Botany 2012 Workshop: Tri-Trophic Digitization Strategies
iDigBio Botany 2012 Workshop: Specify
iDigBio Botany 2012 Workshop: Morphbank
iDigBio Botany 2012 Workshop: Filtered-Push
iDigBio Botany 2012 Workshop: SilverBiology
iDigBio Botany 2012 Workshop: iPlant Tools
iDigBio Botany 2012 Workshop: Encyclopedia of Life Tools
iDigBio Botany 2012 Symposium: The Case for Collections: Getting to the First Step
iDigBio Botany 2012 Symposium: "iDigBio: Vision, Mission, and Opportunities for Engagement"
iDigBio Botany 2012 Symposium: "Digitizing 'all' North American lichen and bryophyte specimens: 2.3 million specimens, 65 institutions, 1 year later. "
iDigBio Botany 2012 Symposium: "Plants, Herbivores, and Parasitoids: A model system for the study of tri-trophic associations"
iDigBio Botany 2012 Symposium: Mobilizing New England Vascular Plant Specimen Data to Track Environmental Changes
iDigBio Botany 2012 Symposium: "The Macrofungi Collection Consortium(MaCC): Unlocking a Biodiversity Resource for Understanding Biotic Interactions, Nutrient Cycling and Human Affairs"
iDigBio Botany 2012 Symposium: Integrative research using digitized specimens: examples from the Consortium of California Herbaria
iDigBio Botany 2012 Symposium: Engaging Collaborations for Computerization with Specify.
iDigBio Botany 2012 Symposium: Introducing ApplePie: A botanical annotation network powered by Filtered Push
iDigBio Botany 2012 Symposium: Correcting and Standardizing Taxonomic Names with the TaxonomicName Resolution Service
Cyberinfrastructure and the NSF Dimensions of Biodiversity Program Solicitation - Planning for Success
iDigBio Digitizing Plant Specimens Workshop: Digitizing Workflows
iDigBio Digitizing Plant Specimens Workshop: Digitization Tasks, Components, and Underpinnings- An Overview for Herbaria
iDigBio Digitizing Plant Specimens Workshop: Georeferencing Tools and Practices
iDigBio Digitizing Plant Specimens Workshop: Database Tools and Techniques
iDigBio Digitizing Plant Specimens Workshop: Day 2 AM Session 1
iDigBio Digitizing Plant Specimens Workshop: Day 2 AM Session 2
iDigBio Digitizing Plant Specimens Workshop: Day 2 Lunch Session
iDigBio Digitizing Plant Specimens Workshop: Considerations for selecting a collections management system
iDigBio Digitizing Plant Specimens Workshop: Day 3 AM Session 1
iDigBio Digitizing Plant Specimens Workshop: Day 3 PM Session 1
iDigBio Digitizing Plant Specimens Workshop: Day 3 PM Session 2
iDigBio Digitizing Plant Specimens Workshop: Sharing Data
iDigBio Digitizing Plant Specimens Workshop: Pre & Post Digitization Curation
iDigBio Editorial Policy for Original Content and Previously-Published Content
iDigBio Public Participation in Digitization of Biodiversity Specimens Workshop (Day1 AM Session1)
iDigBio Public Participation in Digitization of Biodiversity Specimens Workshop (Day1 AM Session2)
iDigBio Public Participation in Digitization of Biodiversity Specimens Workshop (Day1 PM Session1)
iDigBio Public Participation in Digitization of Biodiversity Specimens Workshop (Day1 PM Session2)
iDigBio Public Participation in Digitization of Biodiversity Specimens Workshop (Day1 Dinner Session)
iDigBio Public Participation in Digitization of Biodiversity Specimens Workshop (Day2 AM Session1)
iDigBio Public Participation in Digitization of Biodiversity Specimens Workshop (Day2 PM Session1)
iDigBio Public Participation in Digitization of Biodiversity Specimens Workshop (Day2 PM Session2)
iDigBio Public Participation in Digitization of Biodiversity Specimens Workshop (Day2 AM Session2)
Intro to iDigBio - PDF
iDigBio Public Participation in Digitization of Biodiversity Specimens Workshop: ADBC: Background, Broader Impacts and Opportunity
iDigBio Public Participation in Digitization of Biodiversity Specimens Workshop: Introduction to iDigBio
iDigBio Public Participation in Digitization of Biodiversity Specimens Workshop: Digitizing 'all' North American lichen and bryophyte specimens
iDigBio Public Participation in Digitization of Biodiversity Specimens Workshop: Digitization of Bryophyte Labels at the Missouri Botanical Garden
iDigBio Public Participation in Digitization of Biodiversity Specimens Workshop: Plants, Herbivores, and Parasitoids A Model System for the study of Tri-Trophic Associations
iDigBio Public Participation in Digitization of Biodiversity Specimens Workshop: Community Assisted Digital Imaging of Insect Specimens
iDigBio Public Participation in Digitization of Biodiversity Specimens Workshop: The Macrofungi Collections Consortium TCN and North American Mycophiles: Enhancing a Long-Standing Relationship
iDigBio Public Participation in Digitization of Biodiversity Specimens Workshop: Mobilizing New England vascular plant data to track environmental change: an overview and preliminary thoughts on engaging the public
iDigBio Public Participation in Digitization of Biodiversity Specimens Workshop: SCAN Survey Results: Engaging the Public with Insect Digitization Workflows
iDigBio Public Participation in Digitization of Biodiversity Specimens Workshop: Digital Atlases of Fossil Collections: New Resources for the Public to Identify and Understand Ancient Biodiversity
iDigBio Public Participation in Digitization of Biodiversity Specimens Workshop: Biodiversity Information Serving Our Nation (BISON): A National Resource for Species Occurrence Data
iDigBio Public Participation in Digitization of Biodiversity Specimens Workshop: Specify
iDigBio Public Participation in Digitization of Biodiversity Specimens Workshop: Symbiota: using specimen data to support community inventories
iDigBio Public Participation in Digitization of Biodiversity Specimens Workshop: Label Processing Method
iDigBio Public Participation in Digitization of Biodiversity Specimens Workshop: Notes from Nature: a scalable citizen science platform for transcribing records from natural history collections.
iDigBio Public Participation in Digitization of Biodiversity Specimens Workshop: The Apiary Project: A workflow for herbarium specimen digitization.
iDigBio Public Participation in Digitization of Biodiversity Specimens Workshop: Citizen Science Phenotypes
iDigBio Public Participation in Digitization of Biodiversity Specimens Workshop: Phenology Program (BPP): Reviving a Historic Program in the Digital Era
iDigBio Public Participation in Digitization of Biodiversity Specimens Workshop: Mushroom Observer and the Role of Observers
iDigBio Public Participation in Digitization of Biodiversity Specimens Workshop: Museum specimens and citizen scientists in ecolgical and climate change research
iDigBio Public Participation in Digitization of Biodiversity Specimens Workshop: Digitization and Democracy
iDigBio Public Participation in Digitization of Biodiversity Specimens Workshop: The power of many
iDigBio Public Participation in Digitization of Biodiversity Specimens Workshop: EMu’s in the Cloud - ruminations on interesting interfaces, efficient workflows and building an infrastructure for crowdsourced digitising that is open and integrated
iDigBio Public Participation in Digitization of Biodiversity Specimens Workshop: Engaging the public in ornithological research: Lessons learned from 50 years of citizen science at Cornell
iDigBio Public Participation in Digitization of Biodiversity Specimens Workshop: Learned from NEON’s Project BudBurst
iDigBio Public Participation in Digitization of Biodiversity Specimens Workshop: Documenting California biodiversity with citizen scientists: lessons learned through a year of planning
iDigBio Public Participation in Digitization of Biodiversity Specimens Workshop: Museum specimens and citizen scientists in ecolgical and climate change research
iDigBio Augmenting OCR Workshop: OCR within the digitisation workflow at RBGE
iDigBio Augmenting OCR Workshop: Lichens, Bryophytes and Climate Change
iDigBio Augmenting OCR Workshop: Image analysis of herbarium specimens (Herbar-Digital)
iDigBio Augmenting OCR Workshop: Keynote
iDigBio Augmenting OCR Workshop: OCR implementation in The Caribbean Plants Digitization Project
iDigBio Augmenting OCR Workshop: Tri-Trophic Digitization: Putting the OCR in Workflow
iDigBio Augmenting OCR Workshop: OCR and SALIX Parsing
iDigBio Augmenting OCR Workshop:
iDigBio Summit: iDigBio Welcome and Overview
iDigBio Summit: iDigBio Welcome and Overview
iDigBio Summit: NSF Welcome and ADBC Overview
iDigBio Summit: NSF Welcome and ADBC Overview
iDigBio Summit: iDigBio Research Coordination, Scientific Community Outreach
iDigBio Summit: iDigBio Research Coordination, Scientific Community Outreach
iDigBio Summit: iDigBio Technology, Cloud Computing and Appliances
iDigBio Summit: iDigBio Technology, Cloud Computing and Appliances
iDigBio Summit: iDigBio Education and Public Outreach
iDigBio Summit: iDigBio Education and Public Outreach
iDigBio Summit: iDigBio Specimen Information Portal and Persistent Identifiers
iDigBio Summit: iDigBio Specimen Information Portal and Persistent Identifiers
iDigBio Summit: TCN Overview, “Plants, Herbivores and Parasitoids”
iDigBio Summit: TCN Overview, “Plants, Herbivores and Parasitoids”
iDigBio Summit: TCN Overview, “InvertNet”
iDigBio Summit: TCN Overview, “InvertNet”
iDigBio Summit: TCN Overview, “North American Lichens and Bryophytes”
iDigBio Summit: TCN Overview, “North American Lichens and Bryophytes”
iDigBio Summit: Encyclopedia of Life (EOL)
iDigBio Summit: Encyclopedia of Life (EOL)
iDigBio Summit: GEOLocate
iDigBio Summit: GEOLocate
iDigBio Summit: CollectionsWeb
iDigBio Summit: CollectionsWeb
iDigBio Summit: Consortium of California Herbaria
iDigBio Summit: Consortium of California Herbaria
iDigBio Summit: BiSciCol
iDigBio Summit: BiSciCol
iDigBio Summit: Specify & Lifemapper
iDigBio Summit: Specify & Lifemapper
iDigBio Summit: VertNet
iDigBio Summit: VertNet
iDigBio Summit: NESCent
iDigBio Summit: NESCent
iDigBio Summit: Filtered Push
iDigBio Summit: Filtered Push
iDigBio Paleocollections Workshop 2012: iDigBio Research Coordination, Scientific Community Outreach
iDigBio IT
iDigBio IT
iDigBio Paleocollections Workshop 2012: iDigBio Education and Outreach
iDigBio Paleocollections Workshop 2012: Shifting Plates
iDigBio Paleocollections Workshop 2012: GEOLocate
iDigBio Paleocollections Workshop 2012: Specify
iDigBio Paleocollections Workshop 2012: Vertnet
iDigBio Paleocollections Workshop 2012: PaleoPortal
iDigBio Paleocollections Workshop 2012: Fossil Invertebrate Website and Outreach Projects at the Field Museum
iDigBio Paleocollections Workshop 2012: Reality check: our experience integrating invertebrate paleontology & paleobotany collection databases
iDigBio Paleocollections Workshop 2012: The Disappearing Third Dimension
iDigBio Paleocollections Workshop 2012: The Disappearing Third Dimension
iDigBio Paleocollections Workshop 2012: The Disappearing Third Dimension
iDigBio Paleocollections Workshop 2012: The Disappearing Third Dimension
iDigBio Paleocollections Workshop 2012: The Disappearing Third Dimension
iDigBio Paleocollections Workshop 2012: The Disappearing Third Dimension
iDigBio Paleocollections Workshop 2012: The Disappearing Third Dimension
iDigBio Paleocollections Workshop 2012: The Disappearing Third Dimension
iDigBio Paleocollections Workshop 2012: The Disappearing Third Dimension
iDigBio Paleocollections Workshop 2012: The Disappearing Third Dimension - Segmented Skull
iDigBio Paleocollections Workshop 2012: Disappearing Third Dimension
iDigBio Paleocollections Workshop 2012: The Disappearing Third Dimension - Segmented Skull
iDigBio Paleocollections Workshop 2012: Intro to Morphbank Image Repository Plus...
iDigBio Paleocollections Workshop 2012: Discovering Effective Workflows
iDigBio Paleocollections Workshop 2012: activities at the Yale Peabody Museum
iDigBio Paleocollections Workshop 2012: Digitization at the Smithsonian and the Paleobiology Database
iDigBio Paleocollections Workshop 2012: Current digitization efforts and potential in the University of Iowa Paleontology Repository in partnership with the UI Libraries
iDigBio Paleocollections Workshop 2012: Standards for digitized collections
iDigBio Paleocollections Workshop 2012: OCR and NLP
iDigBio Paleocollections Workshop 2012: Bryophyte/Lichen TCN
iDigBio Paleocollections Workshop 2012: Tri-Trophic TCN
iDigBio Paleocollections Workshop 2012: Applying Biodiversity Science to Paleontology
iDigBio Paleocollections Workshop 2012: Small is beautiful: how databasing small collections can enhance the research and outreach missions of larger university collections and museums
iDigBio Paieo Presentation
iDigBio Paleocollections Workshop 2012: Rationale, background, and framing this meeting
Collaborating with iDigBio on Grant Proposals
Intro to iDigBio - Slide deck
IDigBio Summit II: iDigBio Overview and Relationship to Other Initiatives
IDigBio Summit II: NSF Overview of AIBS, NIBA, and Implementation Plan
IDigBio Summit II: iDigBio Research Coordination, Scientific Community Outreach, Education & Public Outreach
IDigBio Summit II: iDigBio Optimization of Digitization Workflows and Processes
IDigBio Summit II: iDigBio Cyberinfrastructure
IDigBio Summit II: iDigBio 2012 Visiting Scholar
IDigBio Summit II: Digitizing Fossils to Enable New Syntheses in Biogeography – Creating a PALEONICHES
IDigBio Summit II: The Macrofungi Collection Consortium: Unlocking a Biodiversity for Understanding Biotec Interactions, Nutrient Cycling and Human Affairs
IDigBio Summit II: Mobilizing New England Vascular Plant Data to Track Environmental Changes
IDigBio Summit II: Southwest Collections of Arthropods Network (SCAN): A Model for Collections Digitization to Promote Taxonomic and Ecological Research
IDigBio Summit II: Mississippi Herbaria Consortium
IDigBio Summit II: Plants, Herbivores, and Parasitoids: A Model System for the Study of Tritrophic Associations
IDigBio Summit II: North American Lichens and Bryophytes – Sensitive Indicators of Environmental Quality and Change
IDigBio Summit II: VertNet
IDigBio Summit II: Augmenting OCR (aOCR)
IDigBio Summit II: Cyberinfrastructure
IDigBio Summit II: Developing Robust Object-to-Image-to-Data Workflows (DROID 1/2/3)
IDigBio Summit II: Georeferencing (GWG)
IDigBio Summit II: Minimum Information Standards, Authority Files, & Semantics (MISC)
IDigBio Summit II: Public Participation in Digitization
IDigBio Summit II: “Birds of a Feather” Discussion Sessions
IDigBio Summit II: Collaboration Discussion Session
IDigBio Summit II: Data Discussion Session
IDigBio Summit II: Outreach Discussion Session
IDigBio Summit II: Sustainability Discussion Session
IDigBio Summit II: Metrics Discussion Session
IDigBio Summit II: Storage Discussion Session
IDigBio Summit II: InvertNet: An Integrative Platform for Research on Environmental Change, Species Discovery and Identification
The Value of Museum Collections for Research and Society
Keeping an Eye on Biology
Digitization of Herbarium Specimens, a Collaborative Project
Summary of iDigBio 2012 Summit
Entomological Society of America (ESA) 2012: Update from the iDigBio HUB
Entomological Collections Network 2012: Update from the iDigBio HUB
The Value of Museum Collections for Research and Society
iDigBio Hackathon: 1st iDigBio - BRIT Hackathon
iConference2013: Improving the Character of Optical Character Recognition (OCR): iDigBio Augmenting OCR Working Group Seeks Collaborators and Strategies to Improve OCR Output and Parsing of OCR Output
iConference2013: Augmenting optical character recognition (OCR) for improved digitization: Strategies to access scientific data in natural history collections
iConference2013: Workshop -- Help iDigBio Reveal Hidden Data: iDigBio Augmenting OCR Working Group Needs You (#CNFWSP11)
iDigBio Hackathon: Regular Expression-Based Parsing of Tesseract Output from Lichen Herbarium Labels
iDigBio Hackathon: iDigBio OCR Hackathon Initial Results - Rest API
iConference2013: HERBIS/LABELX -- Machine Learning Approach to Parsing OCR Text
iConference2013: Linking Data -- Biodiversity Heritage Library -- supporting knowledge discovery from digitized content
iConference2013: Symbiota -- Creating an OCR and NLP enabled user interface and workflow to efficiently digitize 2.3 million lichen and bryophyte specimens
iConference2013: Introducing iDigBio and the Augmenting OCR Working Group
iConference2013: Digitization of biocollections -- a grand challenge in scope, scale, and significance
Pre-digitization Curation for Fluid Collections
iDigBio Hackathon - BRIT - 2013
iDigBio Hackathon: SALIX 2
iConference2013: The Apiary Project: a workflow for text extraction and parsing for herbarium specimens
NSC Alliance Washington Report
Organizing, Executing and Utilizing a Digitized Regional Herbarium
Getting Started with Wet Collections Digitization
Getting Started at AMNH
Interdisciplinary Exchange
Emergence of SCAN
Academy of Natural Sciences (Drexel University)
American Museum of Natural History, Ambrose Monell Collection for Molecular and Microbial Research
Bell Museum of Natural History, University of Minnesota
Burke Museum, Genetic Resources Collection
California Academy of Sciences, Center for Comparative Genomics CryoCollection
California Department of Food and Agriculture, California State Collection of Arthropods Frozen Tissue Collection
Carnegie Museum of Natural History, Mammal Collection
Cincinnati Museum of Natural History, Department of Zoology
Conner Museum (Washington State University)
Cornell University Museum of Vertebrates
Denver Museum of Nature and Science, Zoology Collections
Duke Lemur Center
Florida Museum of Natural History, Genetic Resources Repository (University of Florida)
Field Museum, Collections Resource Center
Museum of Comparative Zoology Cryogenic Collection (Harvard University)
Humboldt State University, Department of Biological Sciences, Vertebrate Museum
The University of Kansas Biodiversity Institute
Los Angeles County Natural History Museum
Louisiana State University Museum of Natural Science (Louisiana Museum of Natural History)
Marine Environmental Specimen Bank, Hollings Marine Laboratory, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Missouri Botanical Garden
Monte L. Bean Life Science Museum (Brigham Young University)
Museum of Southwestern Biology, Division of Genomic Resources (University of New Mexico)
Museum of Vertebrate Zoology (University of California Berkeley)
Museum of Wildlife and Fish Biology (University of California Davis)
National Museum of Natural History Biorepository
New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science
The New York Botanical Garden
North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences
North Carolina State Museum Insect Museum
Ocean Genome Legacy at Northeastern University
Oklahoma Collection of Genomic Resources, Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History
Oklahoma State University Collection of Vertebrates
Oregon State University Herpetological Collection
San Diego Zoo, Frozen Zoo
Texas Cooperative Wildlife Collection, The Natural History Collection at Texas A&M University
Texas Natural Science Center (University of Texas at Austin)
University of Alabama Ichthyology Collection
University of Alaska Museum of the North
University of California Davis, Nemetode Collection
University of Central Oklahoma Natural History Museum
University of Michigan Museum of Zoology
University of Wisconsin Zoological Museum, Ornithology Department
Virginia Museum of Natural History
Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History, Cryo Facility
iDigBio Digitizing Dried Insects Digitization Workshop: Day1 8:30-10:30am
GUID Guide
Pacific Center for Molecular Biodiversity, Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum
Ware Laboratory for Molecular Phylogenetics, Rutgers University - Newark
Fungal Genetics Stock Center
iDigBio Digitizing Dried Insects Digitization Workshop: Day1 10:30AM - 12:45PM
iDigBio Digitizing Dried Insects Digitization Workshop: Day2 8:30AM - 10:30PM
iDigBio Digitizing Dried Insects Digitization Workshop: Day2 10:30AM - 12PM
iDigBio Data Ingestion Requirements and Guidelines
iDigBio Explore Research
Plasmid Information Database, Dana-Farber/Harvard Cancer Center
Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections 2013 Symposium (Morning Session)
Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections 2013 Symposium (Afternoon Session)
Intro to iDigBio, Survey of TCNs, PENs, RDCN
Introduction to Digitization: Metadata & Data Standards, Workflows, Photography, and Applied Training
Integrating Augmented OCR and Georeferencing in Natural History Collection (NHC) Digitization
Engaging downstream users of paleocollections through iDigBio E&O (education and outreach)
Introduction to a TCN: PaleoNICHES
Introduction to BISON and the IWGSC: Federal Collections Coordination
Understanding the use and users of natural history collections data: Why this matters
Creative ways to use botanical specimens in climate change research
Mining Natural History Collections for Invasive Species Data in New York
Plant fossils and plastid genomes: Integrating molecular and morphological data sets for reconstructing phylogeny and biogeography in Icacinaceae
Challenges to making paleontological data usable for a broader audience
Inside Zoological Collections: Perspectives of the Academic (Re)user
Botanical Research Institute of Texas
Museum of Texas Tech University, Natural Science Research Laboratory, Robert J. Baker Genetic Resources Collection
NIBA, ADBC, iDigBio & Digitization of Natural History Collections Data
Herbarium data in support of biodiversity research: Opportunities and Challenges
Increasing research use of biodiversity collections through ontology-based data integration across biodiversity databases
The Botanical Information and Ecology Network (BIEN): A research and collections collaboration to investigate the ecological impacts of global climate change on plant biodiversity
CSIRO Workshop: Integrated Digitized Biocollections(iDigBio) An Introduction
North Carolina State University Vascular Plant Herbarium
Harnessing the Power of Big Data in Biological Research
Yale Peabody Museum Georeferencing Workshop 2013 - Day1
Yale Peabody Museum Georeferencing Workshop 2013 - Day2
iDigBio: Overview, research, and educational opportunities
Poster: iDigBio as a Resource for the Digitization of a Billion Biodiversity Research Specimens
Poster: Improving the Character of Optical Recognition (OCR)
Poster: iDigBio: The National Resource for Advancing Digitization of Biological Collections
Poster: Fossils of Panama, A Guide to Common Fossils of the Gatún Formation
Poster: iDigBio
Poster: iDigBio as a Resource for the Digitization of a Billion Biodiversity Research Specimens
Pamphlet: iDigBio
iDigBio Summit III - Day1 am1
iDigBio Overview, Progress, and Challenges
iDigBio Research Coordination & Scientific Community Outreach
iDigBio Cyberinfrastructure, Partnerships and Data
Consortium of California Herbaria
Fishnet2 Collaborative Georeferencing
Mississippi Herbaria Consortium
Consortium of Pacific Northwest Herbaria
Texas Oklahoma Regional Consortia of Herbaria
Plants, Herbivores, and Parasitoids: A Model System for the Study of Tri-trophic Associations
LBCC - Lichens Bryophytes and Climate Change
Mobilizing New England vascular plant data to track environmental change (NEVP)
The Macrofungi Collections Consortium
Southwest Collections of Arthropods Network (SCAN): A Data Portal Built to Visualize, Manipulate, and Export Species Occurrences July 2012 to July 2015
Fossil Insect Collaborative Digitization Project
Developing a Centralized Digital Archive of Vouchered Animal Communication Signals
The Macroalgal Herbarium Consortium
Paleoniches: digitizing fossils to enable new syntheses in biogeography
Community Building: Collaboration & Opportunities
iDigBio: Summit 3 Breakout Session Report: Community Building, Collaboration and Opportunities
Poster: Fossils of Panama, A Guide to Common Fossils of the Gatún Formation - Field Guide
iDigBio Summit III - Day1 am2
Photography 101 for Small Herbaria Digitization
iDigBio Imaging Equipment Recommendations
Biodiversity Information Standards (TDWG) 2013 Symposium: Empowering International eCollaboration for Sustainability
Biodiversity Information Standards (TDWG) 2013 Symposium Keynote: Long Live the Data
Biodiversity Information Standards (TDWG) 2013 Symposium Talk: Strategies and partnerships for enabling infrastructure sustainability
Biodiversity Information Standards (TDWG) 2013 Symposium Talk: Expanding and Sustaining Sub-Saharan African Participation and Collaboration with TDWG
Biodiversity Information Standards (TDWG) 2013 Symposium Talk: Use it or lose it: Crowdsourcing support and outreach activities in a hybrid sustainability model for e-infrastructures – The ViBRANT project case studies
Biodiversity Information Standards (TDWG) 2013 Symposium Talk: Success (and challenges) in broadening participation and engagement in digitization
Biodiversity Information Standards (TDWG) 2013 Symposium Talk: Building sustainable biodiversity information systems
Biodiversity Information Standards (TDWG) 2013 Symposium Talk: Potential Refinement of the BARCODE Data Standard for Forensic Application: The Barcode of Wildlife Project
Biodiversity Information Standards (TDWG) 2013 Symposium Talk: We can foster collaboration and improve the results of biodiversity informatics
Biodiversity Information Standards (TDWG) 2013 Symposium Talk: Creating a semantic framework for cultivated plants for the international e-collaboration on agrobiodiversity
Biodiversity Information Standards (TDWG) 2013 Symposium Talk: NEON’s collections program: Developing a collaborative network of museums and a resource in support of biodiversity research
Biodiversity Information Standards (TDWG) 2013 Symposium Talk: The elements of collaboration in TDWG
Indigenous Knowledge Systems/Alaska Native Ways of Knowing
Pathways of Knowing: Integrating Citizen Science and Critical Thinkingin the Adult ELL Classroom
Fish and Wildlife Research Institute, Ichthyology Collection (Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission)
Introduction to iDigBio Integrated Digitized Biocollections
Digitization Symposium Association Of Southeastern Biologist
Plants, herbivores, and parasitoids: Tri-trophic digitization strategies
Challenges and Efficiencies of organizing an ADBC TCN project on Southeast Freshwater Macrofauna
So many herbaria, so little time: Challenges and opportunities in biodiversity informatics
Collaborative Digitization Workflows with Specify 6
Digitization Workshop Association of Southeastern Biologists
OF People & Data
InvertNet: A New Paradigm for Digital Access to Invertebrates
Creating a 21st Century Virtual Herbarium at the University of Maryland
Geolocate (Lightening Talk)
Digitizing Specimens in a Small Herbarium: A Template for Other Collections Working with Limited Resources
Integrated Digitized Biocollections (iDigBio) An Introduction
Integrated Digitized Biocollections (iDigBio) An Introduction
Trends in Digitization. Introduction to iDigBio
Biodiversity Data Publishing
Integrated Digitized Biocollections (iDigBio) An Introduction
Reflections on imaging invertebrate specimens in alcohol
DIY Techniques
Imaging spiders for South Dakota Spider Survey: challenges and frustrations
CalBug: Digitizing California Arthropod Collections: Scanning Microscope Slides
Slide imaging at Naturalis Biodiversity Center
Hand Sanitizer Macro-Photography
Slide imaging in the Field Museum
Wet Specimen Imaging at CAS: Going with the flow into the 21st Century
Conceptualizing and implementing large-scale collection digitization
Imaging alcohol-preserved Arachnids using a Visionary Digital System
Imaging Techniques in the study of Fossil Spiders
Processing images with Lightroom
Fluid-preserved imaging
Workflow for Fossil Spiders
Integrated Digitized Biocollections (iDigBio) An Introduction
Digitization of Paleontology Collections:An Overview
Engaging downstream users of paleocollections through iDigBio E&O (Education and Outreach)
Opportunities for Integration. Digitization Initiatives!
Fossil Insect Collaborative. A deep-time approach to studying diversification and response to environmental change
Paleoniches: digitizing fossils to enable new synthesis in biogeography
Digitization workflow lightning rounds
Managing Digitization Personnel and Workflows
Paleontology Digitization Workflows Working Group (DROID)
YPM-IP workflow with voice recognition imaging
Creating workflows for effective data migration and imaging in an invertebrate paleontology collection
Undertaking digitization in the NMNH Paleobiology collection and digitization strategies at the Smithsonian Institution
Specimens From Federal Lands
Workflows for Digitizing Vertebrate Paleontology
Pre-Digitization Curation: What to do with fossils once we get them out of the ground
Georeferencing Paleontology Collections
Digital Imaging Basics:From Y2K to the Present
3D Digitization of Biological Specimens
Digitizing Peabody Paleo: history, EMu, portals & campus-wide digital infrastructures at Yale
Specify 6; For Paleontology Collections
Arctos for Paleontology Collections: Examples from the University of Alaska Museum Earth Sciences Collection Digitization Project
Cleaning data with OpenRefine
Digitizing multi-disciplinary collections: a collaborative approach at the University of Iowa
Imaging in amber
How to "Photograph" Paleobotany & Micropaleontology Specimens at SNOMNH.
Fossil Specimen Imaging at NMNH
The Digitization Experience at Florida State University's Robert K. Godfrey Herbarium
The Salem College Herbarium
The Valdosta State Herbarium (VSC) Experience: Mobilizing Small Herbaria for DIgitization
The Arkansas State Herbarium Experience
Digitization of the Central Michigan University Herbarium
The Fairmont State Experience
Installing and Setting Up Specify
Symbiota: a specimen-based biodiversity portal platform
Photography 101 for Small Herbaria Digitization
Herbarium Specimen Digitization: using the MK Photo-eBox
Herbarium Specimen Digitization: Image processing with Adobe Photoshop Lightroom
Creating Herbarium Labels with Mail Merge in Word
Creating Herbarium Labels with Mail Merge in Word
Pre-Digitization Curation: Mobilizing Small Herbaria for Digitization
Georeferencing Choices
Optical Character Recognition (OCR), It's not just for parsing anymore! -Think Sort
Got (messy) data?Clean it, enhance it, have fun with it.Get Open Refine
Image Ingestion at iDigBio
Public Participation in Digitization of Biodiversity Specimens Workshop
Calbug Digitization, CalBug California Arthropod Collections
Digitize specimen labels @ IU Herbarium
Agile Scrum
Gamefication of NfN
Symbiota: a specimen-based biodiversity portal platform
What's new in using OCR output in a Citizen Science Workflow
Herbarium Labels Transcription Crowdsourcing OCR
Herbarium Labels Transcription Crowdsourcing Consensus
iDigBio Image Ingestion Appliance
Smithsonian Transcription Center
Purposeful Gaming and BHL: engaging the public in improving and enhancing access to digital texts
Agile Scrum
CITScribe Hackathon Development Track 2
CITScribe Hackathon Development Track 3
CITScribe Hackathon Development Track 1
CITScribe Hackathon Development Track 4 "Team Honey Badger"
The Attraction of Modern Biological Sciences
A Passion for Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Preparing and Applying for Graduate School
Exploring Graduate School Funding
Career Tracks in Biology
Expanding your Academic Experience through Research
Careers in Biology
How many species are there?
Contemporary Methods in Assembling and Using the Tree of Life
The Attraction of Modern Biological Science
My passion for EEB (fishes)
Specimens, Collecting, and the Lure of the Field in Organismal Biology
Careers and Graduate Study in Biological Sciences Workshop. Preparing for a Biology Major
Preparing for Upper Division Courses: Strategies for Success
Career Tracks in the Biological Science
Expanding Your Academic Experience Through Research
Career Tracks in Biology
How Many Species are There? The Continuing Challenges of Describing Biological Diversity - Dr. Roland Roberts
Contemporary Methods in Assembling and Using the Tree of Life.
Mobilizing New England vascular plant data to track environmental change (NEVP)
Plants, Herbivores, and Parasitoids: A Model System for the Study of Tri-trophic Associations
Paleoniches:digitizing fossils to enable new syntheses in biogeography
Macroalgal Herbarium Consortium
Fossil Insect Collaborative Digitization Project
LBCC-Lichens Bryophytes and Climate Change
Georeferencing Fish Occurrences A Community-Based Model
InvertNet: A New Paradigm for Digitization of Invertebrate Collections
Southwest Collections of Arthropods Network (SCAN): A Data Portal Built to Visualize, Manipulate, and Export Species Occurrences
The Macrofungi Collections Consortium
Consortium of Pacific Northwest Herbaria
Developing a Centralized Digital Archive of Vouchered Animal Communication Signals
Developing a Centralized Digital Archive of Vouchered Animal Communication Signals
VertNet-Data Quality and Issue Tracking
SCAN: Moving Beyond the K-12 Paradigm
Fossil Insect Collaborative Digitization Project:Our E&O Activities
The Potential Impacts of Working in Collections as an Undergraduate
iDigBio E&O Workshop. WELCOME!
Outreach Activities Associated with the PALEONICHS TCN
Tri-Trophic Thematic Collection Network. A Tri-Trophic Databasing and Imaging Project
Macroalgae (LIMU) Project
How can scientist collaborate with STEM Educators?
iDigBio Education & Outreach (E&O) and Intro to Workshop
Digitizing North American Lichen and Bryophyte Specimens
iDigBio Workshops/Working/ Interest Groups E & I/O Resources & Potential
Mobilizing New England vascular plant data to track environmental change: Education & Outreach
The Macrofungi Collections Consortium
Broadening Diversity in Biological Sciences: Reaching Out to Underrepresented Populations
Theme-based Discussion Groups: Breakout Session 2 Invertebrates
InvertNet and Education/Outreach: The UW-Madison Insect Research Collection
Broadening Diversity in the Biological Sciences: Reaching Out to Underrepresented Populations
The Art and Science of Project Management
Embarking on the Path to Sustainability
iDigBio Nuts & Bolts. Data Integration and Ingestion
Keeping the Sustainability Ball Rolling
Education, Outreach and Public Participation
iDigBio Nuts & Bolts: Appliances Present and Future
iDigBio Nuts & Bolts: Workshops and Resources, Review and Stakeholder Input
After Digitization …TAXONOMY?
iDigBio Nuts & Bolts: Workshops and Resources
Engagement with the Public and Avocational Paleontologist at the Calvert Marine Museum
Partners In Paleontology: Successful Synergies and Collaborations Between Amateurs and Professionals
Avocational paleontologists and volunteers:critical partners
Egg Mountain Paleontology Field Station. Integrating Science and Educational Outreach.
Partnering for Prosperity: Community Collaboration in the furtherance of collections-based paleontology at Cincinnati Museum Center
Using a volunteer army to help a small museum collect large vertebrate specimens
The Dallas Paleontological Society's contribution to public participation in Paleontology
The Purpose and Function of Fossil Clubs - a Personal Perspective
Where are the women and minority amatuer paleontologists? A study of the development and characteristics of science hobbyist.
Public participation in paleontology, an outstanding history of collaboration for Colorado
Paleo Quest: Accelerating science literacy, paleontological discoveries and museum collections through citizen science, outreach and novel field recovery methods
Stonerose Interpretive Center and Eocene Fossil Site: an integrative model at the crossroads of research, public outreach and community involvement
Mineral Well Fossil Park: A partnership between the city of Mineral Wells, Texas and the Dallas Paleontological Society
New Mexico Friends of Paleontology:A volunteer group committed to the advancement of paleontology in New Mexico
Engaging Professionals and the Public: Outreach Efforts of the Friends of the University of Michigan Museum of Paleontology
SharkFinder:Advancing the understanding of evolution and diversity through a flexible scalable citizen science program
Participation of K-12 teachers and students in paleontology: Factors impacting effectiveness and sustainability
Digitizing paleontological collections for new audiences: Past practices and the potential for public participation
FOSSIL- A national network of amateur and professional paleontologists in the U.S.
Outsider's view inside NSF: Trends and Tips
Outsider's view inside NSF: Trends and Tips
FOSSIL- A national network of amateur and professional paleontologists in the U.S.
NIBA, ADBC, iDigBio & Digitization of Natural History Collections Data
Integrating Augmented OCR and Georeferencing in Natural History Collection (NHC) Digitization
Introduction to Digitization: Metadata & Data Standards, Workflows, Photography, and Applied Training
Herbarium data in support of biodiversity research: Opportunities and Challenges
Getting Started with Wet Collections Digitization
Getting Started at AMNH
Interdisciplinary Exchange
Emergence of SCAN
A New Paradigm for Digitization of Invertebrate Collections. Imaging Hardware for larger specimens
Type Imaging at the Academy of Natural Sciences. Computer Aided Photography and Digital Editing Techniques
Imaging Fishes
Digitizing 35mm Slides
Pre-digitization Curation for Fluid Collections
Plants, Herbivores, and Parasitoids: A Model System for the Study of Tritrophic Associations
North American Lichens and Bryophytes – Sensitive Indicators of Environmental Quality and Change
An Integrative Platform for Research on Environmental Change, Species Discovery and Identification
An Integrative Platform for Research on Environmental Change, Species Discovery and Identification
Working Group Update:Cyberinfrastructure
Developing Robust Object-to-Image-to-Data Workflows (DROID 1/2/3)
Mississippi Herbaria Consortium
The Macrofungi Collection Consortium: Unlocking a Biodiversity for Understanding Biotic Interactions, Nutrient Cycling and Human Affairs
Mobilizing New England Vascular Plant Data to Track Environmental Changes
Southwest Collections of Arthropods Network (SCAN): A Model for Collections Digitization to Promote Taxonomic and Ecological Research
Georeferencing (GWG) Working Group Update
Minimum Information Standards, Authority Files, & Semantics (MISC)
Digitizing Fossils to Enable New Syntheses in Biogeography - Creating a PALEONICHES
Digitizing Fossils to Enable New Syntheses in Biogeography - Creating a PALEONICHES
Public Participation in Digitization
Fossil Kickoff- Welcome Housekeeping, framing the kickoff
Fossil Kickoff- Breakout Session 1 Reports
Fossil Kickoff- Breakout Session 2 Reports
Fossil Kickoff- Breakout Session 3 Reports
Fossil Kickoff- Wrap up
3D digitizing a fossil whale graveyard in the Atacama of Chile
Darwin Core Terms: A quick reference guide
Integrated Digitized Biocollections (iDigBio) An Introduction
Digitizing from Source Materials
Source Materials: Standards, exchange, dissemination and integration
Digital Object and Text Encoding Standards
Moving to Sharing Relationships among Things
Archival Standards in Practice
The Nexus Dissemination or Trying to become/ impersonate an Archivist/Librarian
Strategies for Integrating Source Materials and Paleobiology Collections
Original Source Documentation-Botany
Digitization of Source Materials in Vertebrate Collections
Absence Data and Digitizing Source Material for Research
Notes from Nature: a tool for citizen science engagement and transcription of natural history records Or NFN:Where Now?
Transcribing the Joseph Grinnell field notes
iDigBio original Source From the Page
Funding the Digitization of Primary Source Materials
Funding Strategies for Digitization
iDigDevelopment: The Process Approach to Fundraising & the iDigBio Workshop Questions
Digitizing from Source Materials
Digitizing from Source Materials, Day 1: 8:30am- 10am
Digitizing from Source Materials, Day 1: 10:30am- 11:15am
Digitizing from Source Materials, Day 1: 11:45am- 12pm
Digitizing from Source Materials, Day 1: 1:00pm - 1:45pm
Digitizing from Source Materials, Day 1: 3:00pm-3:30pm
Digitizing from Source Materials, Day 2: 8:30am
Digitizing from Source Materials, Day 2: 10:40am- 12:30am
Digitizing from Source Materials, Day 2: 1:40pm-2:30pm
Digitizing from Source Materials, Day 2: 3:00pm- 5:00pm
Digitizing from Source Materials, Day 3: 8:30am- 10am
Digitizing from Source Materials, Day 3: 10:45am- 11:15am
Digitizing from Source Materials, Day 3: 1:30pm- 2:45pm
Digitizing from Source Materials, Day 3: 3:00pm- 3:15pm
Writing Group discussions of Goals and Strategies: Creation of a detailed plan for plenary sessions
Plenary Session: Discussion of issues from information providers
Plenary Session:Discussion of issues from information users
Biodiversity Digitization in the Pacific
NSF Programs for Funding Collections: What, When, Where, How.
The Art and Science of Project Management
We're Virtually There: Digitizing NTBG's Herbarium Collection (PTBG)
Belau National Museum "A Cherechar A Lokelii"
Taking a Diatom Herbarium into the Digital Age
Pacific Rim Applications and Grid Middleware Assembly: Building virtual bridges around the Pacific and across domains
Digitizing Activities in Australia
Digitizing in Guide to Trees of Papua New Guinea
Digitization in a global environment
Digitization Progress at the University of Hawaii Insect Museum
Digitization in the Pacific
The long history and current digitization of the University of Hawaii Insect Museum
Evaluation of a Scratchpad Template as an Online Database for the University of Guam Insect Collection
Lichens and Bryophytes
Tri-Trophic Interactions:Plants, Herbivores, and Parasitoids BPBM Entomology
Biodiversity Collections Digitization Initiatives University of Hawaii
Digitization Modules, Tasks, and Workflows
Digital Preservation begins at creation
Photography 101 for "Biological Collections in the Pacific'
Georeferencing the past, present, and future
Uses for Optical Character Recognition (OCR) Output
Evaluation of a Scratchpad Template as an Online Database for the University of Guam Insect Collection
AutoMontage: An imaging tool for entomological specimens
Avoiding Digitization: Field data entry of evidence , directly into the system of record
Code and Data for the Social Sciences: A Practitioner's Guide
Hawaiian Plant DNA Library, University of Hawaii at Manoa
Herbarium Pacificum specimen flow
Crowd-sourcing, Public Participation, and Data Enrichment Using crowd-sourcing tools
Curation web resources
Digitisation Workflows, Tools and Techniques- Whole drawer Imaging
Getting Collections Ready for Digitization: Fishes and a Tale of Two Bar Codes
Crowdsourcing: Available Resources
Insect Soups: Enabling access to an underutilised and valuable resource
Herbarium Pacificum Imaging: Pros & Cons
Bishop Museum Vertebrate Zoology, Digitizing a Diverse Collection
Invertebrate Zoology Workflow and Digitization with marine invertebrates
Leveraging Lessons from Museum Studies: Colonial Histories and Ethical Obligations
Pre-digitisation curation: Getting collections ready for digitisation - Insects
Intro to Data Standards
How to Submit Data To iDigBio for 'Biological Collections Digitization in the Pacific '
Biological Collections Digitization in the Pacific, Tuesday 8:30am-10:30 am session
Biological Collections Digitization in the Pacific, Tuesday 10:45am-12:30pm session
Biological Collections Digitization in the Pacific, Tuesday 1:30pm-3:45pm session
Biological Collections Digitization in the Pacific, Tuesday 4:00pm-5:00pm session
Biological Collections Digitization in the Pacific, Wednesday 8:15am-10:30am session
Biological Collections Digitization in the Pacific, Wednesday 10:50am-12:30pm session
Biological Collections Digitization in the Pacific, Wednesday 1:30pm-3pm session
Biological Collections Digitization in the Pacific, Wednesday 3:20am-4:45pm session
Biological Collections Digitization in the Pacific, Thursday 8:30am-9:30am session
Biological Collections Digitization in the Pacific, Thursday 10:15am-12:15pm session
Biological Collections Digitization in the Pacific, Thursday 1:15pm-2:45pm session
Biological Collections Digitization in the Pacific, Thursday 3:15pm-4:30pm session
Imaging Standards & Equipment Recommendations
Digitization Initiatives at the Bishop Museum
Data Modelling Workshop Day 1, 9am -10:30am
Data Modelling Workshop Day 1, 10:40am -12:00pm
Data Modelling Workshop day 1, 1:30-3:00pm
Digitizing from Source Materials, Day 3: 4:00pm- 5:00pm
Collections Web Update: Building a Community of Natural History Collections
Recruiting, Supporting, and Retaining Small Collections in Biodiversity Digitization
Integrated Digitized Biocollections (iDigBio) An Introduction
Small Collection Perspective: What Made Me Commit to Digitization?
Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections
Successfully managing small collections: What has and has not changed in 10 years
Curating a Natural History Collection while succeeding in Academia (and helping to make a better place for collections and curators)
Lightening round: Challenges to small collections-recruitment and retention
Bite-sized digi-projects
Challenges and Successes at the University of Iowa
South Carolina State Museum
Biological Field / Research Stations
Hillsdale College Herbarium
Oregon State Arthropod Collection
Oregon State
Michigan Small Herbarium Initiative
California Consortium of Herbaria
TORCH challenges in interacting with small collections
Challenges for large collections reaching out to small collections
The New York Botanical Garden
Can you do this by the end of the week?
Engaging Small Collections— Aligning Motivations
Alternative funding discoveries
Finding Funding for Specimen Digitization
Herbaria as Microcosms of Science
Developing Cross-Disciplined Skills
What are students learning in small collections? Multi-directional Mentorship
Learning in Collections
Students in Collections: Take Home Messages
Broadening Diversity in the Biological Sciences:
Welcome and Introduction to the Collections for the 21st Century Symposium
Why We Have Natural History Collections
NIBA,ADBC and iDigBio:Transforming the Landscape
Phylogenetics and Linking Molecular Data with Collections
The Extended Specimen:Using Media Specimens for Collections-based Ornithological Research
A Deep Time Approach to Studying Environmental Change
Climate Change, Hydrology and Aquatic Species Distribution
The Current State of Arthropod Biodiversity Data: Addressing Impacts of Global Change
Species Link Network: Tools and Services to Support e-Science and Policy-making
No Specimen Left Behind: Collections Digitization at the Natural History Museum, London
Collections-From Local to Global- Building Strength in an Interconnected Digital World
Collections for the 21st Century Day1 8am-10:30am
Collections for the 21st Century Day1 11am-12pm
Collections for the 21st Century Day1 1:30pm-3pm
Collections for the 21st Century Day1 3:30pm-5pm
Collections for the 21st Century Day2 8:30am-10am
Collections for the 21st Century Day2 10:30am-12pm
Small Collections Day1 8am-12pm
Small Collections Day1 12:45pm - 2:15pm
Small Collections Day2 8-10am
Small Collections Day2 10:30am-12:15pm
Small Collections Day2 1:20pm-4pm
Small Collections Day2 4pm-5pm
Herbarium Digitization: Overview and Guide to Resources
Photography 101 for 'TORCH VIII + iDigBio'
Data Standards for 'TORCH VIII + iDigBio'
How to Submit Data to iDigBio for 'TORCH VIII +iDigBio'
Sharing Data: Data Extraction and Identifiers
TORCH VIII and iDigBio Workshop 9am-10:30am
TORCH VIII and iDigBio Workshop 11am-12pm
TORCH VIII and iDigBio Workshop 1pm-3:30pm
TORCH VIII and iDigBio Workshop 3:40-5pm
SPNHC 2014: Progress in Digitization: Creating a Swedish Digital Natural History Collection,
SPNHC 2014: Progress in Digitization: From massive digitisation of Paris Herbarium to a nation-wide program
SPNHC 2014: Progress in Digitization: Putting the contents of the Geological Museum on the web
SPNHC 2014: Progress in Digitization: Automated mass-digitization line for individual insect specimens
SPNHC 2014: Progress in Digitization: Image segmentation in high throughput digitisation workflows
SPNHC 2014: Progress in Digitization: Workflows in the cooperative IMLS Silurian Digitization project
SPNHC 2014: Progress in Digitization: Designing a Workflow to Help with Error Detection in a Paleontology Digitization Project
SPNHC 2014: Progress in Digitization: Making molehills out of mountains: Crowdsourcing digital access to natural history collections
SPNHC 2014: Progress in Digitization: Exploitation of digital collection data at the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin
SPNHC 2014: Progress in Digitization: ZooSphere - A tool for automated spheric image capturing and interactive 3D visualization
SPNHC 2014: Progress in Digitization: Using optical character recognition (OCR) output in digitization
SPNHC 2014: Progress in Digitization: Incorporating OCR into a digitisation and curation workflow
SPNHC 2014: Progress in Digitization: The virtually browseable collection: connecting GIS to whole drawer imaging
SPNHC 2014: Progress in Digitization: Georeferencing Fish Collections from the FishNet Network
SPNHC 2014: Progress in Digitization: iDigBio's Biospex System for Engaging the Public in Digitization
SPNHC 2014: Progress in Digitization: Supporting Data Flows in the New England Vascular Plant Network with FilteredPush Technologies
SPNHC 2014: Progress in Digitization: Using Complementarity to Improve Plant Specimen Digitization
SPNHC 2014: Progress in Digitization: Seaweed Collections Online: Mobilising data from national and regional museums
SPNHC 2014: Progress in Digitization: From Museum Specimen Database to Ecological Statement
Introduction to iDigBio
3D Laser Scanning: Accuracy and Precision
FAQ: 3D surface scanning of paleo collections with a NextEngine laser scanner
3D Scanning…and more
2D Imaging for Paleontology Collection Objects
Digitizing 2D fossils: Selecting the Equipment
The Advantages in Using Textural and Polarized Lighting for Imaging Fossils
3D Imaging of Fossils Using Close-Range Photogrammetry
Close Range Photogrammetric Analyses of an Active Paleontological Excavation
Reflectance Transformation Imaging
Cetaceans in silico: 3D digitizing a fossil whale graveyard in the Atacama of Chile
3D Printing for Scientific & Cultural Heritage Collections Richard Urban
3D Printing in Teaching and Outreach
3-D Printing Fossils at the University of Alabama
Education & Outreach (E&O) using 3D printing: Immense possibilities Bruce MacFadden
Attaching images to database records
UTCT Short Course Manual
Paleo Imaging Workshop Day 1: 8am- 10am
Paleo Imaging Workshop Day 1: 10:20am- 12:20am
Paleo Imaging Workshop Day 1: 1:30pm - 3:15pm
Paleo Imaging Workshop Day 1: 3:30-5pm
Paleo Imaging Workshop Day 2: Intro to CT for Biological/Paleontological Applications
Paleo Imaging Workshop Day 2: CT Lab tour
Paleo Imaging Workshop Day 2: Data Processing in Image/Beginning Visualization with Avizo
Paleo Imaging Workshop Day 2: Continuing Visualization with Avizo
Paleo Imaging Workshop Day 2:Introduction of Short Course Data Sets
Paleo Imaging Workshop Day 2: Continuing Visualization with Avizo/Hands-on Time with Short Course Data Sets
Paleo Imaging Workshop Day 3: Core digitization/imaging (James Donnelly) and SEM micro imaging Rob Reed
Paleo Imaging Workshop Day 3: TACC Data management for images (Chris Jordan) and UAV 3D model using UAV (Josh Lambert)
Paleo Imaging Workshop Day 3: Stations 1-11
"Paleo Imaging Workshop Day 3:Data Management for Digitized Collections "
Paleo Imaging Workshop Day 3: Foram SEM image from workshop demonstration
Lightning Talk:Herbarium Digitization Activities in Oklahoma
Lightning Talk:The East Texas Natural History Collections
Lightning Talk:The Macrofungi Collections Consortium
Lightning Talk:Modernization and Digitization of the Angelo State Natural History Collections
Lightning Talk:ScioQualis
Lightning Talk:Pineywoods Plants Digital Gallery
Biodiversity Data Publishing
Specify terminology
Virtual appliance use
Specify wizard
Data entry
Specify for Paleo Workshop: Attachments and images
Schema config
Customizing forms
Main menu
Web search portal
Specify 7
How to get onto Specify
SPNHC 2014 DemoCamp: Specify 7 for the Web, Specify Insight for the iPad, and other Novelties
SPNHC 2014 DemoCamp: The Field Book Project: The Starting Point of Natural History Collections
SPNHC 2014 DemoCamp: Historical Expeditions Website (Botany) at the Smithsonian
SPNHC 2014 DemoCamp: GB/3D fossil types online – not only the largest collection of 3D digital fossils, but also major format, schema and vocabulary conundrums.
SPNHC 2014 DemoCamp: Infrared thermal imaging as a collections management tool
SPNHC 2014 DemoCamp: Crowdsourcing in LBCC using Symbiota
SPNHC 2014 DemoCamp: AnnoSys – an online Tool to annotate Biodiversity Data
SPNHC 2014 DemoCamp: FP-DataEntry, a tool for bringing community knowledge into data transcription applications
A Computational- and Storage-Cloud for Integration of Biodiversity Collections
Intro to iDigBio
Digitizing Fossils to Enable New Syntheses in Biogeography-The PALEONICHES-TCN
Chemistry Day WISE Girlz Spring Camp- Surface Tension
Chemistry Day WISE Girlz Spring Camp- Carbon Dioxide Production
Visualize Text Data Using OCR Output
CoGe: Collaborative Georeferencing Demo
Part II CoGe: Collaborative Georeferencing
"From the Page"
Geographical Concepts
Using Paper Maps: Named Places
GEOLocate Basics
Collaboration to Automation
Batch Processing Using GeoLocate
Point-Radius Method and Best Practices
Introduction to GeoLocate Project
Geographical Concepts: Coordinate Systems
Georeferencing with Specify 6.0
Using GEOLocate: iDigBio GWG Workshop
GEOLocate Collaborative Georeferencing: iDigBio GWG Workshop
Participants Introduction- Lichens, Bryophytes and Climate Change TCN
Participants Introduction- Texas A&M University Insect Collection SCAN TCN
"Participants Introduction- Tri-Trophic Thematic Collection Network. A Tri-Trophic Databasing and Imaging Project - TDD TCN"
Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History- Invertnet TCN
"Paleoniches Digitizing Fossils to Enable New Syntheses in Biogeography-Paleoniches TCN"
Georeferencing at the Field Museum
Project Magnolia grandiFLORA
FishNet2 Global Network of Fish Collections
Arkansas State University & SERNEC, Digitizing the Arkansas State University (STAR) Herbarium
Introduction to Georeferencing, and Thinking like a Trainer: Train the Trainers 2 Workshop Overview
Georeferencing Train-the-Trainers Survey Results
Macroalgal Herbarium Consortium TCN
Georeferencing Introductions: Collaboration to Automation
Geographical Concepts
Point-Radius Method and Best Practices
iDigBio Recommended fields
Gepreferencing Concepts and Locality Types
Georeferencing Calculator Example
MaNIS/HerpNet/ORNIS Georeferencing Guidelines
iDigBio GWG TTT 2: Day 1- 10:30 am
iDigBio GWG TTT 2: Day 1- 10:40 am to 12:30am
iDigBio GWG TTT 2: Day 1- 1:30pm to 3:30pm
iDigBio GWG TTT 2: Day 1- 3:30pm to 5:15pm
Online Resources for Georeferencing
Georeferencing Using Paper Maps
iDigBio GWG TTT 2: Day 2-10:30 am
iDigBio GWG TTT 2: Day 1-10:30 am - 12:30 pm
iDigBio GWG TTT 2: Day 1-4:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Introduction to iDigBio
Arctos: A Collaborative, cost-efficient solution for managing and publishing biodiversity data in collections of all sizes
The place for Biological Research and Field Stations in Biodiversity Digitization
Michigan Small Herbarium Initiative: The Trial From an Idea to Specimen Digitization
Digitizing Specimens in the STAR Herbarium: A Viable Workflow for Collections Working with Limited Resources
The iCollection model for digitising small collections of natural history
The Role of Small Herbaria in Large Digitization Projects
Teachable Moments: the good, the bad, and the undergrads
Digitization workflow for a small herbarium
Achieving the digitization of biological collections from the Pacific
Undergraduates in natural history collections: What are the educational gains and how can we make the experience more impactful?
Entomology Collections Network: A model for accessible professional networking
Exposing Data from Small Collections: common questions and some answers
Mobilizing New England Vascular Plants to Track Environmental Change
Resurrecting Orphaned Collections
Small Collections SPNHC 2014: 9am-10:40am
Small Collections SPNHC 2014: 11:10am-1pm
Small Collections SPNHC 2014: 2pm-3:40pm
Using Digitized Data From Insect Collections
Fish Bones
The Great Merge Education and Collections
Field Collection to Data: Keeping track of specimens
Uses for Digitized Data ADBC & Essential Data to be Digitized
Sharing Data: Standards and Practice
Understanding the Global Names Architecture (GNA)
Data Workshop Honolulu March 2014
Sharing Information Online
Evaluating Data Usage
Linking collections to related resources: Multi-scale, multi-dimensional, multi-disciplinary collaborative research in biodiversity. Is this a “Big Data” paradigm?
Georeferencing using KE EMu
Fishnet Workflow for Large Scale Collaborative Georeferencing
SPNHC DemoCamp Sessions 1: Demo, 1, 2 and 3
SPNHC DemoCamp Session 2: Demos 4-8
iDigBio GWG TTT 2: Day 3- Start 9:30am
iDigBio GWG TTT 2: Day 3- Start 2:30- 4:00pm
iDigBio GWG TTT 2: Day 3, Start 4:15 pm finish
Building Scientific Infrastructure for Key Societal Issues
Opportunities and Challenges for Funding and Sustaining Natural History Collections
From Biocollections to Global Change Biology: New Conceptual and Cyberinfrastructure Frameworks For Closing The Gap
Fossils in the Cloud” Advancing the Broader Impacts of iDigBio through Paleocollections
Students Working in Natural History Collections: What is the impact?
Empowering the Collections Community: Digitization, Information dissemination, Collaboration, Broadening the diversity of our workforce
iDigBio GWG TTT 2: Day 4, Start-10:20am
iDigBio GWG TTT 2: Day 4, 11:00am-12:30pm
iDigBio GWG TTT 2: Day 4, 1:30pm -5:00pm
Cleaning Validating and Enhancing Data with Open Refine
Georeferencing The Star Herbarium
How to make a Good Insect Specimen label… and why
What does Antarctica really look like?
Digitizing Collections of the Angelo State Natural History Collections
Paper Maps Review
Good and Bad Locality Descriptions
Georeferencing Natural History Collection Data: The GEOLocate Project
Using GEOLocate: Resources for Finding Your Locality When GEOLocate Doesn't
iDigBio GWG TTT 2: Day 5, 9:30 am-11:00 am
iDigBio GWG TTT 2: Day 5, 2:15pm-3:45pm
Polyploidy and novelty: Gottlieb's legacy
Ecological and taxonomic examination of Florida Cladonia using the Consortium of the North American Lichen Herbaria (CNALH)
PhyloJIVE (and others): Integrating biodiversity data with the Tree of Life
TraitBank: Structured Data in the Encyclopedia of Life
Symbiota: a specimen-based biodiversity portal platform
DataONE - Enabling Long-Term Archive and Reuse of Data for the Earth Sciences
iDigBio and its Role in Enabling Biodiversity Research
TraitBank: Structured Data in the Encyclopedia of Life
PhyloJIVE: Integrating biodiversity data with the Tree of Life
Ecological and taxonomic examination of Florida Cladonia using the Consortium of North American Lichen Herbaria portal
Crowd-sourced science: digitized natural history collections extends its branches to education and outreach
Symbiota: a specimen-based biodiversity portal platform
DataONE - Enabling Long-Term Archive and Reuse of Data for the Earth Sciences-PART1
DataONE - Enabling Long-Term Archive and Reuse of Data for the Earth Sciences- PART2
Data management tools and database options
Understanding Data
Citizen science, crowd sourcing, public participation, and BIOSPEX
Documenting the Importance of Small Collections.
Building a Community of Small Collection Professionals-NANSH and SCNet
Digitization: Just do it! The importance of and challenges to getting started
Intro to iDigBio
Digitized Data and Research
Steps for getting started with a digitization program
Herbarium Specimen Imaging: Standards and Suggestions
Digitization Workflows for Small Herbaria
Small Herbaria Workshop Botany 2014: 8am - 10:15am
Small Herbaria Workshop Botany 2014: 10:20am - 12:00pm
Small Herbaria Workshop Botany 2014: 1:00pm - 2:30pm
Georeferencing Natural History Collections 8:00am - 9:40am
Georeferencing Natural History Collections 10:00am -11:00am
Georeferencing Natural History Collections 11:00am -12:00pm
Natural History Collections as Emerging Resources for Innovative Education
Specimen collection: An essential tool
Results and insights from the NCSU Insect Museum GigaPan project
DScan - a high-performance digital scanning system for entomological collections
Nomenclatural benchmarking: the roles of digital typification and telemicroscopy
New Push to Bring US Biological Collections to the World's Online Community
Toward broader impacts: Making sense of NSF's merit review criteria in the context of the National Science Digital Library
Virtual Herbaria Come of Age
Temporal Calibration and Biochronology of the Centenario Fauna, Early Miocene of Panama
Broader Impacts of Science on Society
Accelerating Digitization of Biodiversity Research Specimens through Online Public Participation
Aiming Up: Natural History Collections as Emerging Resources for Innovative Undergraduate Education in Biology
Semantics in Support of Biodiversity Knowledge Discovery: An Introduction to the Biological Collections Ontology and Related Ontologies.
iConference2013:Help iDigBio reveal hidden data: iDigBio Augmenting OCR working group needs you - Part II
Broader Impacts of Science on Society
Broader Impacts of Science on Society
Broader Impacts of Science on Society
Broader Impacts of Science on Society
DNA Banking for the 21st Century: A White Paper of Recommendations from the U.S. Workshop on DNA Banking
iNaturalist Workshop Presentation
Data Carpentry Workshop:Day 1, 8:30am-10:00am
Data Carpentry Workshop:Day 1, 10:30am-12:00pm
Data Carpentry Workshop:Day 1, 12:00pm-12:30pm
Data Carpentry Workshop:Day 1, 1:00pm-5:00pm
Data Carpentry Workshop:Day 2, 8:30am-10:00am
Data Carpentry Workshop:Day 2, 10:30am-12:00pm
Data Carpentry Workshop:Day 2, 1:30am-5:00pm
Broader Impacts of Science on Society
Introduction to iDigBio
Digitization Modules, Task Clusters and Workflows
Citizen science programs
Challenges for small town, rural natural history collections
Imaging 3D objects (birds, mammals, butterflies) with stacking for deep focus
Data Standards: What we can learn from the Information and Library Sciences
Selecting a Camera and Imaging Station
Moving Data to iDigBio and Other Aggregators
Databasing Workflows for Paleontology
Leveraging Digitization: Tuesday 8:30am -10:30am
Leveraging Digitization: Tuesday 11:00am-12:30pm
Leveraging Digitization: Tuesday 1:15pm-2:00pm
Leveraging Digitization: Wednesday 8:30am -10:00am
Leveraging Digitization: Wednesday 10:15am-12:00pm
Leveraging Digitization: Wednesday 1:00pm-2:00pm
Leveraging Digitization: Wednesday 3:00pm-5:00pm
Getting an insect collection ready for digitization at the Illinois Natural History Survey’s InvertNet project
NIBA RCN: Organizing and Sustaining a National Community
Digitization Challenges: A Paleobotany & Microplaleontology Perspective
Pre-Digitization Challenges for Wet Collections
Challenges In Database Selection and Design
Getting a Collection Ready for Digitization
Databasing workflows for 3D objects in trays and drawers, fluid-preserved invertebrates, and microscopic slides
Imaging workflows, equipment configuration, and challenges for 3D objects in drawers and trays
Database schemas for natural history collections
Collection Digitization Process and Workflow
Image Capture and Processing: Imaging herbarium specimens
Standards for biodiversity data (Sharing Information Online)
Specify as a database management tool
Imaging station setup and configuration
Imaging Standards and Workflows for Dried Insect Collections
Databasing workflows at the University of Wisconsin herbarium
Digitizing Practices for Invertebrate Collection and Leveraging Beyond
Using Digitized Data in Scientific Research: Using and Reusing Biodiversity Data
Broader Impacts of Science on Society:
Project Management Webinar One
Project Management Webinar One
Broader Impacts of Science on Society:
Summit 2014 Monday 9:am- 10:30am
Summit 2014 Monday 10:45am- 12:30pm
Broader Impacts of Science on Society
Summit 2014 Day 1- Breakout Group: Future Uses of Data in Research
Summit 2014 Day 1- Breakout Group Reports
Summit 2014 Day 2 9:am- 10:50am
Summit 2014 Day 2- Breakout Group: Next Steps for the iDigBio Portal
Summit 2014 Day 2- Breakout Group Reports
Summit 2014 Day 2- Summit Wrap Up
Day 1 Intro to iDigBio Summit IV
Introduction to Summit IV; Overview, Progress and Challenges
Research Coordination & Scientific Community Outreach: Summit 2014
Education & Public Outreach
Optimization of Digitization Workflows and Processes
iDigBio Search Portal CYWG
Great Lakes Invasives
The Key to the Cabinets to Building and Sustaining a Research Database for a Global Biodiversity Hotspot
Reaching Back to See the Future: Species-rich Invertebrate Faunas Document Causes and Consequences of Biodiversity Shifts in North America
Fossil Insect Collaborative
Developing a Centralized Digital Archive of Vouchered Animal Communication Signals
Macroalgal Herbarium Consortium TCN iDigBio Summit
Mobilizing New England vascular plant data to track environmental change
Paleoniches: digitizing fossils to enable new syntheses in biogeography
The Macrofungi Collections Consortium
SCAN: A Data Portal Built to Visualize, Manipulate, and Export Species Occurrences
InvertNet: 2013-14 Progress and Goals
Plants, Herbivores, and Parasitoids: A Model System for the study of Tri-Trophic Associations
Digitizing North American lichen and bryophyte specimens
Day 2 Intro to iDigBio Summit IV
Updates from NSF
NIBA RCN: Organizing and Sustaining a National Community
National Specimen Information Infrastructure of China
GBIF and iDigBio
Digitization for Conservation: A natural partnership
Atlas of Living Australia
Biodiversity Information Serving Our Nation
Chinese Field Museum
Wrap up Summit IV
Reaching Consensus in Crowdsourced Transcription of Biocollections Information
Research Coordination & Scientific Community Outreach: Summit 2014
Education & Public Outreach
Optimization of Digitization Workflows and Processes
iDigBio Search Portal CYWG
Fossil Insect Collaborative
Developing a Centralized Digital Archive of Vouchered Animal Communication Signals
Macroalgal Herbarium Consortium TCN iDigBio Summit
Mobilizing New England vascular plant data to track environmental change
Paleoniches: digitizing fossils to enable new syntheses in biogeography
The Macrofungi Collections Consortium
SCAN: A Data Portal Built to Visualize, Manipulate, and Export Species Occurrences
InvertNet: 2013-14 Progress and Goals
Plants, Herbivores, and Parasitoids: A Model System for the study of Tri-Trophic Associations
Digitizing North American lichen and bryophyte specimens
NIBA RCN: Organizing and Sustaining a National Community
National Specimen Information Infrastructure of China
GBIF and iDigBio
Atlas of Living Australia
Biodiversity Information Serving Our Nation
Chinese Field Museum
ECN 2014 Day 1: 8:30am- 10:15am
ECN 2014 Day 1: 10:00am- 12:00pm
ECN 2014 Day 1: 1:00pm- 3:10pm
ECN 2014 Day 1: 3:30pm- 5:10pm
ECN 2014 Day 2: 8:05am- 10:15am
ECN 2014 Day 2: 10:30am- 12:00 pm
Broader Impacts of Science on Society
iDigBio Image File Format Requirements and Recommendations
iDigBio Image File Format Requirements and Recommendations
Broader Impacts of Science on Society:
Broader Impacts of Science on Society:
Reaching Consensus in Crowdsourced Transcription of Biocollections Information
Case study of reuse of digitised content by creative industry in games: Europeana Creative
What do you do when your Network Manager tells you there is no more space and they mean it?
The Open Drawer Project - Providing free access to high resolution images of entomological collection drawers
ENVIRONMENTS-EOL: identification of Environment Ontology terms in text and the annotation of the Encyclopedia of Life.
ENVIRONMENTS-EOL: identification of Environment Ontology terms in text and the annotation of the Encyclopedia of Life.
Optical character recognition (OCR) in linking entomological labels with field notebook data.
Discovery and access to digitisation tools and methods.
Broader Impacts of Science on Society:
Enriching the legacy literature with OCR corrections and text-mined semantic metadata
Data Discovery and Doer Happiness: Uses for Optical Character Recognition (OCR) Output.
Capturing Inventory level information about collections as a step in object to image to data workflows.
ZooSphere - Development of a software for automated spheric image capturing and interactive 3D visualization of biological collection objects.
StanDAP-Herb develops a standard process for extracting metadata from digitised herbarium specimens.
The Open Drawer Project - Providing free access to high resolution images of entomological collection drawers.
Moving beyond the box: automating the digitisation of insect collections.
StanDAP-Herb develops a standard process for extracting metadata from digitised herbarium specimens
Moving beyond the box: automating the digitisation of insect collections
ZooSphere - Development of a software for automated spheric image capturing and interactive 3D visualization of biological collection objects.
Capturing Inventory level information about collections as a step in object to image to data workflows.
Data Discovery and Doer Happiness: Uses for Optical Character Recognition (OCR) Output.
Enriching the legacy literature with OCR corrections and text-mined semantic metadata.
Managing Digitization Projects with Biospex.
What do you do when your Network Manager tells you there is no more space and they mean it?
Case study of reuse of digitised content by creative industry in games: Europeana Creative.
From Museum Specimen Database to Ecological Statement
Sampling Leaf Litter Arthropods
Novel Collecting Techniques for Fireflies and other Bioluminescent Beetles
The Current State of Arthropod Biodiversity Data: Addressing Impacts of Global Change
Mutually Beneficial Symbiosis of Data
Stoneflies (Plecoptera), pre-European distributions and climate influenced future ranges in the Midwest
From Pro tem to visibility:my 30 years managing the NMNH Pryaloidea Collection (Lepidoptera)
Micro-fogging at the SEMC: The theory, practice and results of 25 years with our heads in the clouds…. of pyrethroids
Do all dung beetles prefer dung? Tips an tricks for successful collecting.
Fossil Insect Collaborative
Using buprestid monitoring tools for obtaining diverse collections of forest insects
Mobilizing Dark Data: Rasing the Profiles of Small Natural History Collections
Got data? Need data skills? Check out
Volatile attractants as a tool to collect cerambycids: ready for prime time
Beyond the Dip Net
Entomological data in Arctos: Uses inside and out of the museum
The need for the R function Self_Cleaning (data)
BIG4- Biosystematics, Informatics and Genetics of the big 4 insect groups
The Low Watt Revolution: LED replacement for HID light trapping?
Toward an online digital teacing collection of aquatic macroinvertebrates using interactive, gigapixel technology (Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Tricoptera)
Growing and Modernizing the Clemson University Arthropod Collection
Stuart M. Fullerton Collection of Arthropods at the University of Central Florida, Past, Present, Future
Rehabilitation and Revitalization of the Purdue Entomological Research Collection (PERC)
Digitization @ USNM: Where we are
Collection Management Panel Discussion
GBIF Global Perspectives (in Portuguese)
Introduction to the Five Task Clusters of Digitization
Data Mobilization through GBIF: the global infrastructure (in Portuguese)
Data mobilization from the perspective of a GBIF Node (in Portuguese)
Task Cluster 1- Pre-digitization curation and staging:decisions/ opportunities/ options
Photography equipment and techniques
Best practices in managing and digitizing scientific collections
Whole Drawer Digitization
Digitizing Wet Collections
How Do You Solve A Problem Like Multimedia?
Task Cluster 4 - Electronic Data Capture: collection data management and data capture
Digitization Tools Optical Character Recognition, Parsing, Consensus in Crowdsourcing
Task Cluster - Georeferencing and Enrichment
GBIF data: research use cases (in Portuguese)
Best Practices in managing and digitizing scientific collections
Introductions, Workshop Overview, Adobe Connect, Goals of the Workshop
Data Sharing Data Standards and Demsifying the IPT Day 1 10:45am-11:00am
Data Sharing Data Standards and Demsifying the IPT Day 1 11:15am-12pm
Data Sharing Data Standards and Demsifying the IPT: Day 1 1:00pm-2:30pm
Data Sharing Data Standards and Demsifying the IPT Day 2 1:00pm-2:30pm
Data Sharing Data Standards and Demsifying the IPT Day 2 3:00-5:00pm
Introductions, Workshop Overview, Adobe Connect, Goals of the Workshop
Theory: publishing basic primary biodiversity data: IPT and other methods
Theory: What are the metadata?
Demo: adding a data source and mapping data
Theory: publishing with the IPT
Demo: adding a data source and mapping data
Theory: Complex primary biodiversity data
Object to Image to Data Day 1: am session pt 1
Object to Image to Data Day 1: am session pt 2
Object to Image to Data Day 1 pm session pt 2
Object to Image to Data Day 2 am session pt 1
Object to Image to Data Day 2: am session pt 2
Object to Image to Data Day 2: Final session
Object to Image to Data Day 1: Breakout Group 1
Object to Image to Data Day 1: Breakout Group 2
Object to Image to Data Day 1: Breakout Group 3
Object to Image to Data Day 2: Breakout Group 1
Object to Image to Data Day 2: Breakout Group 2
Object to Image to Data Day 2: Breakout Group 3
Object to Image to Data Day 1: pm session pt 1
Workshop Overview
Using digital images and data in botanical research
Introduction to Sernec
Flat Sheets and Packets Workflow Working Group
NYBG workflows
Pacific NW herbarium consortium workflows
Consortium of California Herbaria workflows
Magnolia grandiFLORA, Explore Mississippi
Deep South Plant Specimen Imaging Proje0
New England Vascular Plants Tcn workflows
Macroalgae TCN workflows
Digitization workflow
Workflows Herbarium Digitization
Workflows at University of North Carolina
Symbiota workflows
Crowd-sourcing, volunteers, blitzes
Maximizing and sources of student labor
Day 1:Workflows Herbarium Digitization 8:30am-10:15am
Day 1:Workflows Herbarium Digitization 10:30am-12:30pm
Honey Badgers, nuff said
Introduction to iDigBio
Designing Effective Workflows
Considerations for selecting a collections management system
Digital Asset Management System (DAMS)
InvertNet: A New Paradigm for Digital Access to Invertebrate Collections
Data Cleaning
Raw Data Cleaning, Validation and Enhancement: Using Open Refine
Digitization at the NCSU Insect Museum and the Frost Entomological Museum
Building Cooperative Digital Collections
Digitizing Dried Insects: Getting Started
Powering up Workflows with Volunteers and Division of Labour
Digitisation of Insect Collection at the British Museum of Natural History,
Label Image Automation
Workflows: Perspectives from Peabody Entomology
Imaging Strategies, Tools, and Software (Visionary Digital)
AntWeb: Building the online Global Ant Museum
Motivating Digitization Personnel
Pre-digitization Curation
Hackathon Overview & Intro to iDigBio
Parsing Dataset 1 using SALIX 2
Improving OCR Inputs from OCR Outputs
Parsing Dataset 1: Regular Expression-Based Parsing of Tesseract Output from Lichen Herbarium Labels
iDigBio OCR Hackathon Initial Results - Rest API
Supporting field-based citizen science: The cyberinfrastructure_Webinar
Filtering out the noise: Data validation challenges and strategies in citizen science_Webinar
Welcome and Introduction to iDigBio
"Zooniverse 2.0: What the Future Holds for Large-Scale Online Citizen Science"_Webinar
Linking Heterogeneous Data in Biodiversity
Getting your data out there: publishing & standards with iDigBio
Introduction to Web APIs
Biocode Field Information Management System
Field to Freezer: Low tech collecting; high quality data.
Publishing data on Dryad
Field Reach perspective
Digitally archiving localities through the use of their coordinates
Curator’s perspective
Field to Database Day 1: 8:30am- 10:00am
Field to Database Day 1: 10:30am- 11:30am
Field to Database Day 2: 11:30am- 12:30pm
Field to Database Day 1: 4:00pm- 5:00pm
Field to Database Day 2: 9:00am- 10:00am
Field to Database Day 2: 1:30pm- 2:30pm
Field to Database Day 2: 1:45pm- 5:00pm
Field to Database Day 3: 9:00am- 12:30pm
Field to Database Day 3: 1:30pm- 3:30pm
Field to Database Day 3: 3:45pm- 5:00pm
Field to Database Day 4: 9:00am- 10:30am
Field to Database Day 4: 11:15pm- 12:15pm
Field to Database Day 4: 1:30pm- 3:30pm
Field to Database Day 4: 2:30pm- 5:00pm
Practitioner tools and resources for evaluating learning outcome in citizen science_Webinar
Polyploidy and novelty: Gottlieb’s legacy
Preserving Biodiversity for Long-term Research: The Genetic Resources Repository of the Florida Museum of Natural History
A New iDigBio Web Feature Links DNA Banks and Genetic Resources Repositories in the United States
Variables affecting DNA preservation in archival plant specimens
Natural History Collections as Emerging Resources for Innovative Education
Mapping Specifications for Ranked Hierarchical Trees in Data Integration Systems
Simplifying Extract-Transform-Load for Ranked Hierarchical Trees via Mapping Specifications
iDigBio API Pre-Hackathon Webinar 2015
iDigBio Search Portal
iDigBio Research Tools
iDigBio Infrastructure
iDigBio Architecture
iDIgBio Appliances
iDigBio Data Ingestion
Mechanisms of community input and the future of digitization at NSF
Why digitize vertebrate collections?
Challenges facing Small Museums with Moderate Collections and Minimal Resources
Resource challenges for Small Institutions
Getting started with digitization
Standards for Biodiversity Data (Sharing Information Online)
Digitizing catalog and ledger data for scientific research
Arctos as a database management system for vertebrate specimens and images
Is specimen imaging important in vertebrate collections?
Imaging Priorities:What to database and image?
Digitial online measuring at the Bailey Hortorium
Imaging wet collections
Imaging wet collections
Imaging Birds and Mammals
CT scanning of museum specimens in research: a case study
Meeting report: Identifying practical applications of ontologies for biodiversity informatics
A Specimen-based View of the World: Using the Biological Collections Ontology to Model Biodiversity Collections
Specimen CT imaging/3D modeling at MCZ
VertNet/GBIF: Advances in Biodiversity Discovery and Data Quality Improvement
Getting your data out there: Data publishing & data standards with iDigBio
Global Genome Biodiversity Network: Preserving and Understanding the Genomic Diversity of Life
Integration of citizen science activities with research collection databases
Creative methods for utilizing collections for education and outreach
Restoring Natural History Collections of Native Amphibians and Reptiles in South Dakota
Leveraging library resources for storing and curating media (images primarily) associated with specimens
Digitizing, managing and future proofing media yourself
Co-collection of physical and media specimens: why bother? (frogs)
Discussion 1: What should be preserved?
Discussion 2: How to preserve biodiversity media?
Discussion 3: Maximizing scientific impact
Discussion 4: Databasing and linking
Strategies for Vertebrate Digitization: Monday 8am-9am
Strategies for Vertebrate Digitization:Monday 1pm-2:30pm
Strategies for Vertebrate Digitization: Monday 3pm-5:30pm
Strategies for Vertebrate Digitization:Tuesday 11am-12pm
Strategies for Vertebrate Digitization:Tuesday 1pm-3pm
Strategies for Vertebrate Digitization:Tuesday 3:15-6:00pm
Strategies for Vertebrate Digitization: Wednesday 11am-12:30pm
Strategies for Vertebrate Digitization:Wednesday 1:30pm-3pm
Strategies for Vertebrate Digitization:Wednesday 3:10pm-4:30pm
Strategies for Vertebrate Digitization:Thursday 8am-8:30am
Strategies for Vertebrate Digitization:Thursday Discussion 1 Summary
Strategies for Vertebrate Digitization: Thursday Discussion 2 Intro
Strategies for Vertebrate Digitization: Thursday Discussion 2 Summary
Strategies for Vertebrate Digitization:Thursday Discussion 3 Intro
Strategies for Vertebrate Digitization:Thursday Discussion 3 Summary
Strategies for Vertebrate Digitization:Thursday Discussion 4 Intro
Strategies for Vertebrate Digitization:Thursday Discussion 4 Summary
Strategies for Vertebrate Digitization: Thursday End of day discussion and wrap up
SPNHC Demo Camp 1:30- 3:10 pm
SPNHC Demo Camp 3:30- 5:00 pm
Small Collections Symposium SPNHC 2015: 8:10- 10:10 am
Small Collections Symposium SPNHC 2015-1:30-3:10pm
Small Collections Symposium SPNHC 2015:3:30-5:00pm
Small Collections Symposium SPNHC 2015:10:30- 12:30pm
Specimens Full Circle SPNHC 2015:Day1 first morning session, ballroom b
Specimens Full Circle SPNHC 2015: Day1 second morning session, ballroom b
Specimens Full Circle SPNHC 2015: Day1 first afternoon session, ballroom b
Specimens Full Circle SPNHC 2015: Day1 second afternoon session, ballroom b
Specimens Full Circle SPNHC 2015: Day2 first session
Specimens Full Circle SPNHC 2015: Day2 second session
Skeletal Records Accompanying Images: Efficiency VS Later Utility
Why small collections - what is unique, valuable and important
Human diversity and the opportunities to engage students in small collections
AIM-UP!: Bringing big data to educators at small institutions
Small collections working together:
Citizen science: A symbiotic future for research and education using biological collections
Collections Internships for College Students: Designing an Interdisciplinary Program
Small entomology collections: How to manage
Biological field stations as repositories of biodiversity data
Managing Multiple Small Collections in an Interdisciplinary Museum
Challenges and Obstacles to Digitizing Small Paleontology Collections
Research opportunities using data from small collections
Strategies for digitizing small vertebrate collections
The Fairbanks Museum: a small, rural, New England Natural History Museum’s Challenge to Adapt
SCNet: Supporting Digitization in Small Collections
Getting started: Digitizing Multiple Small Collections at UCSB
Recruiting and Managing Volunteers in Small Collections
Ten years of the Society of Herbarium Curators: past, present and future
The Role of Human Infrastructure in Biodiversity Informatics: SERNEC as a model for Community Development
Large and Small Collections: Partners in a time of Challenges and Opportunities
The Role of Small Natural History Collections in Contributing to Understanding Species’ Distributions
WeDigBio—Public Participation in Digitization of Natural History Collections Hits its Stride
Endless Forms, Most Useful
Evidence of Evolution: Darwin’s Cabinet of Curiosities
In Defense of Specimen Collecting, Natural History Collections, and Bioethics
Building a Networked National Community for Collections
2015 iDigBio Annual Evaluation Year 4 Impact Evaluation
2015 iDigBio Annual Community Survey Summary of Results
Reproducible Science Day 1: 9am-10:30am
Reproducible Science Day 1:1:30pm- 3pm
Reproducible Science Day 2: 9am-10:30am
Reproducible Science Day 2:11am- 12:30pm
Reproducible Science Day 2:1:30pm- 3:30pm
Reproducible Science Day 2:3:30pm- 5pm
ASM 2015 Conference Proceedings: 11am-12:30pm
ASM 2015 Conference Proceedings: 1:30pm-3pm
ASM 2015 Conference Proceedings: 3:30pm-5pm
iDigBio and the National Collection Digitization Effort
TCNs & PENS: Planning and Organizing Your Digitization Projects
Using digitized data to advance research
Choosing an Appropriate Collection Database
Digitization workflows, American Society of Mammalogists
Geolocate: A Platform for Georeferencing Natural History Collection Data
Cameras, copy stands, and imaging
Connecting your data to the outside world
Steps for launching a digitization program: the Memphis collection example
Creation of Virtual Collections Available to all Through the Use of
Digital Fossils in the High School Classroom: Turning Promise into Practice
Bridge between fossil clubs and K12: opportunities for collaboration Geology
Session 1-Teach Deep Time: stratigraphy and ecosystem change over time with Smithsonian collections
Session 2-Teach Deep Time: stratigraphy and ecosystem change over time with Smithsonian collections
Session 1-Human Evolution
Session 2-Human Evolution
I downloaded 3D fossils for the classroom, and then what? An intro to open source 3D modeling software.
iDigBio Search Demo
Keynote: Digital Fossils in the High School Classroom: Turning Promise into Practice
3D Design for Beginners - The Basics of Designing 3D Models
Keynote: Introduction remotely
Keynote: High-Resolution X-ray CT in Every Classroom: ImageJ and
Giant Reptiles: Fossil Snapshots of Biotic Response to Climatic Shift
Megalodon Extinction
3D models and K12 material on whales from Cerro Ballena, Chile
STEM Integration through Paleontology and 3D Technology
iDigBio Introduction
Session 1- Horse Evolution in Response to Climate Change
Session 2- Horse Evolution in Response to Climate Change
Base-ten Conversions
Using Megalodon as a Model for Teaching Evolution
Bridge between fossil clubs and K12: opportunities for collaboration
3D Design for Beginners - The Basics of Designing 3D Models
Workforce-efficient consensus in crowdsourced transcription of biocollections information
Poster: ARPO-Augmented Reality for Public Outreach
Whole-Dataset Analyses using Apache Spark
Crowdsourcing Biodiversity Data Mobilization
Mapping Life: Quality Assessment of Novice and Computer Automated vs. Expert Georeferences
Accelerating Digitization of Biodiversity Research Specimens Through Online Public Participation
Accelerating Digitization of Biodiversity Specimens through Online Public Participation
Using museum data for niche modeling and phylogenetic diversity of Florida plants
Paleoteach: use of paleontological data for K-12 education
Notes From Nature: Advancing a next generation citizen science platform for biodiversity transcription
Introduction to Using Digitized Data
WeDigBio: Worldwilde Engagement for the Digitization of Biocollections
Closing the gap - building a strong and productive network between amateurs and professionals in Paleontology.
The Worldwide Engagement for Digitization of Biocollections (WeDigBio) Event
A list of U.S.-based natural history collections
Providing the computing skills for the next generation of biodiversity scientists
Broadening participation in the biological sciences
In Defense of Specimen Collecting, Natural History Collections, and Bioethics
Got metadata? GBIF Task Force on accelerating discovery of biological collections data
Enhancing your ecological research with iDigBio biological specimen data
Data Carpentry: one comprehensive model for teaching biodiversity informatics data management, research skills, and training instructors
More data than we know what to do with? Biodiversity informatics skills needs in the research data pipeline
Measuring Megalodon: classroom driven research made possible with 3D technology
Looking for treasures in a megadiverse country: natural collections in Ecuador
Unlocking hidden potential: using museum specimens to engage and educate children with autism
ePandda Project: increasing accessibility to digitized data from the paleontological and neontological communities
Specimens full circle: collection to digitization to data use
Lifemapper's species distribution modeling based on iDigBio Biocollections
Transforming accessibility to the rich, site-based, multi-taxon collections of field stations; a case study from Archbold Biological Station
Areas of endemism in the Nearctic: a case study of 1,566 species of Miridae (Insecta: Hemiptera) and their plant hosts
Macroalgae in our lives
DataONE webinar: Assuring the quality of your data: A natural history collection community perspective
Imaging Workflows for the Digitization of Dry-preserved Vertebrate Specimens
iDigBio: A Network Partner for Specimen Research and Data
Dicerandra: Understanding Past Distributions
Maxing out the potential of private fossil collections through digitization: Best practices in photographing specimens
iDigBio: Using Biodiversity Specimen Data for Designing Effective Interpretive Programs
Bringing Biodiversity into the Classroom: Digital Educational Resources from Natural History Collections
iDigBio - Integrated Digitized Biocollections
The FOSSIL Project: Engaging amateur fossil clubs and societies as downstream users of digitized data
The FOSSIL project: a collaborative community of amateur and professional paleontologists
Worldwide Engagement for Digitizing Biocollections 2016: a call to the AsiaPacific region to participate in the WeDigBio Global Transcription Event!
Data and digital images: progress, tools and scientiἰc need for digitizing Pacfἰc biological specimen collections
Field to database to aggregator and beyond: documenting the flora of Melanesia
Collecting experiences in Melanesia - best practices for efficient digitization
Integrated Digitized Biocollections (iDigBio): mobilizing natural history collections for understanding island biodiversity
Integrated Digitized Biocollections (iDigBio): mobilizing natural history collections for enhanced classification and conservation of Malesian floral biodiversity
Worldwide Engagement for Digitizing Biocollections 2016: a call to the Flora Malesiana community to participate in the WeDigBio Global Transcription Event!
Using High Definition ROV Video to Capture Behavior of Deep-Sea Fishes
Small Collections Can Make Big Waves in Education and Outreach
Jar Wars the (data) Source Awakens: Exploring New Ichthyological Frontiers in Specimen-based Research, Education and Outreach
Accessing Digital Collections Data Sources For Research – A Tour of iDigBio Data Services
Biological Collections Data: best practices and trends for standards, digitization, and biodiversity informatics literacy for research use of collections data
Using museum collections to improve biodiversity measures: the Florida Plants Diversity project
iDigBio: using museum collections specimen data to improve biodiversity measures
Using herbarium data for niche modeling to study phylogenetic diversity and endemism of Florida plants
Using museum data for large-scale questions: modeling Florida plant diversity
Crowdsourcing Collection Digitization: Solving a Science Problem and Improving STEM Literacy
Making it count: Citizen science activities in the classroom contribute to our understanding of biodiversity
Citizen science as a tool for expanding our capacity to georeference biodiversity specimens
iDigBio at Cisco Pit Stop: Digitising the Natural History Museum’s collections
Museum and Collections Biodiversity Informatics: meeting skills needs for creating, sharing, and using the digital relatives of museum specimens
A global survey of natural history collections
Whole-dataset Analyses Using Apache Spark
Insights from the Thematic Collections Networks and beyond on using digitized specimens for education and outreach
ICE2016: Biodiversity informatics skills for collections and research in the 21st Century
Is the future already here? The impact of climate change on the distribution of the eastern coral snake (Micrurus fulvius)
A Guide to Digitizing Insect Collections Using MANTIS and Following the Protocols of the Harvard MCZ Entomology Type Image Project
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