K-12 Resources

Online Resources for K-12 Students and Educators from ADBC

Welcome to our page for aggregating educational resources for K-12 students and educators from the Advancing Digitization of Biodiversity Collections (ADBC) program!

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Lesson Plans

Project Grade /Standards Keywords Topic
Middle School
iDigPaleo MS-LS4-1,2 (NGSS) fossils, paleo, insects

Constructing a Carboniferous dragonfly model (draft)

iDigPaleo MS-LS4-1 (NGSS) fossils, paleo, ecosystems, insects

Compare ancient and modern insect ecosystems (draft)

iDigBio MS-LS2-1,2,4,5 (NGSS) ecosystems, co-occurrence, conservation, plants, birds

Fantastic birds and where to find them (as part of the March 2016 Biodiversity Spotlight)

WeDigFLPlants SC.912.CS-PC3.4 SC.912.N.1.4 (Florida) citizen science, biodiversity, museum, herbarium, plants Help behind-the-scenes at a museum as a citizen scientist

NC Essential Standards for 6-8

citizen science, plants Notes from Nature: interpreting nature's biodiversity

MS-L4-1,2 (NGSS)

fossils, paleo, fieldwork, identification

Virtual Field Experiences: what is a fossil?
Teacher guide
Student guide

EPICC SEP 3 (NGSS) fossils, paleo, museums, collecting, fieldwork

Virtual Field Experiences: field to museum
Teacher guide
Student guide

EPICC MS-ESS2-2 (NGSS) geology, data, fieldwork Virtual Field Experiences: explore geology
Teacher guide
Student guide
EPICC MS-LS4-1,2 (NGSS) paleo, geology, maps, fossils, fieldwork Virtual Field Experiences: explore fossils
Teacher guide
Student guide
Digital Atlas of Ancient Life LS4,5,7,8 ESS8 (NGSS) paleo, fossils, marine, oceans, invertebrates Oceans of Ohio (5E Lesson)
Digital Atlas of Ancient Life LS4,5,7,8 (NGSS) invasive species, native, extinction, survival, ecology, invertebrates Survival game (5E Lesson)
Supplemental cards
Digital Atlas of Ancient Life ESS4,8 Ls4,6,8 (NGSS) geologic time, earth systems Geologic time (5E Lesson)
Event Cards
High School
iDigPaleo HS-LS4-1,5 (NGSS) fossils, paleo, insects

Climate creations using dragonflies (draft)

SERNEC 9-12 citizen science, plants

"Using Notes from Nature",  teacher instructions, student instructions, and a student activity sheet (Kari Harris, Jill Czerwonky, Travis Marsico)

BLUE HS-LS4-4 (NGSS) evolution, coevolution, pollinators, conservation, plants, bats Angiosperm reproduction and coevolution ( current draft)
EPICC HS-ESS2-2 geology, data, fieldwork Virtual Field Experiences: explore geology
Teacher guide
Student guide
EPICC HS-LS4-5 fossils, paleo, fieldwork, identification Virtual Field Experiences: what is a fossil?
Teacher guide
Student guide
EPICC HS-ESS2-2 sediments, environmental history, geology, paleo Virtual Field Experiences: explore sediments
Teacher guide
Student guide
EPICC HS-LS4-5 paleo, geology, maps, fossils, fieldwork Virtual Field Experiences: explore fossils
Teacher guide
Student guide
iDigBio HS-LS2-7, LS4-5 (NGSS) ecosystems, co-occurrence, conservation, plants, birds Fantastic birds and where to find them (as part of the March 2016 Biodiversity Spotlight). Offline and online versions available.



From iDigBio

Why Digitize? In this six minute video you can learn more about what is in natural history collections, what digitization is and how iDigBio is opening the door to the thousands of collections across the country.

iDigBio Delivers Digital Collections of Natural Specimens is a one minute video from the National Science Foundation explaining what iDigBio does with graduate student, Adania Flemming, at the National Science and Engineering Fair.

From WeDigFlPlants

 Library of Scientific Plant Samples: Step Inside an Herbarium An introduction to herbaria

Crowd-sourced Herbarium Data Transcription How you can help herbaria:

These videos were created to compliment a lesson entitled Help Behind-the-Scenes at a Museum as a Citizen Scientist.

Websites and Applications


iDigPaleo is an educational portal created to link fossil and extant insect data. The portal has many unique features including measuring and annotation tools, and browsing features. There are several example lesson plans already available.


Digital Atlas of Ancient Life

Digital Atlases for fossil identification:

You can access these through a browser or an app for iPad and iPhone.

You can find all of their educational materials here

Digital Encyclopedia of Ancient Life

Digital Encyclopedia of Ancient Life is a free online "textbook" about paleontology. Available chapters:

Notes from Nature

Notes from nature is an online transcription platform where anyone can help museum digitize their historical biodiversity data! While transcribing you can build your own collection and earn unique badges for work within and across expeditions. Several groups have created lessons and activities using this project including SERNEC and WeDigFLPlants.


EPICC Virtual Field Experiences

Virtual fieldwork experiences (VFEs) allow you to explore a field site as a scientist, using photographs, maps, and other visualizations and data to figure out how a place came to be the way it is today. This website contains links to explore classic fossil-rich sites in an area of Central California known as Kettleman Hills.

Teachers can find an introduction to VFEs at the “For Educators” link.

Libraries of Life

Libraries of Life is a free app, and educational website that uses augmented reality to bring biodiversity alive through specimen cards. Download the app for Android or iPhone and visit the website to download the specimen cards and find related educational activities.



Worldwide Engagement for Digitizing Biocollections, or WeDigBio, is a 4-day event that engages participants online and onsite in digitizing natural history collections. Onsite events are hosted by museums, herbaria, universities, and other institutions and enable face to face meetups where participants engage with local collections.



For a curated list of outside biodiversity resources visit here.

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