SPNHC 2014: Progress in Digitization: From massive digitisation of Paris Herbarium to a nation-wide program

TitleSPNHC 2014: Progress in Digitization: From massive digitisation of Paris Herbarium to a nation-wide program
Publication TypePresentation
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsChagnoux, Simon, and Pignal Marc
Keywordscrowdsourcing, digitization, e-ReColNat, Herbarium, Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle of Paris, optical character recognition, SPNHC 2014, SPNHC 2014: Progress in Digitization
AbstractThe Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle of Paris (MNHN) completed a massive digitisation program of the herbarium specimens (P, PC). Nearly 6 million images went online between 2008 and 2012. The resulting database records contain only a minimum set of attributes (scientific name, catalog number and continent of origin). As many more information is most often available from the photographed labels, optical character recognition and a crowdsourcing site have since been used to enrich the database without physical access to the specimen. Building on the experience gained from these projects, a national program “e-ReColNat” was launched to extend the digitisation to the remaining herbariums and most zoological and paleontological types. The result will be available online for annotation and label retranscription to a broad audience mixing the general public and the scientific experts.
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