Biodiversity Information Standards (TDWG) 2013 Symposium Talk: Strategies and partnerships for enabling infrastructure sustainability

TitleBiodiversity Information Standards (TDWG) 2013 Symposium Talk: Strategies and partnerships for enabling infrastructure sustainability
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2013
AuthorsMaglia, Anne
Conference NameTDWG 2013 Annual Conference
Date Published10/2013
PublisherBiodiversity Information Standards (TDWG) Conference 2013
Conference LocationFlorence, Italy
KeywordsBiodiversity Information Standards, collaboration, Infrastructure, NIBA, Partnership, Resources, Sustainability
AbstractSupporting the long-term sustainability of infrastructure is an ongoing challenge for funding agencies. While infrastructure demands grow faster than the resources available to support them, there is a need to balance between supporting novel developments and the long-term maintenance of critical resources. In this talk, I will discuss strategies for leveraging limited resources and forging strategic partnerships to enhance the likelihood of resource sustainability. As an example, I will highlight the Advancing the Digitization of Biological Collections (ADBC) program, the Networked Integrated Biocollections Alliance (NIBA), and several other related activities.
Anne Maglia, NSF Program Officer for the ADBC program, was invited to present her talk: Strategies and partnerships for enabling infrastructure sustainability, as part of the opening Symposium of TDWG 2013: Empowering International eCollaboration for Sustainability