The Role of Small Herbaria in Large Digitization Projects

TitleThe Role of Small Herbaria in Large Digitization Projects
Publication TypePresentation
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsNeefus, Chris
KeywordsSmall Collections Symposium SPNHC 2014
AbstractIn the U.S., the National Science Foundation (NSF), through its Advancing Digitization of Biodiversity Collections (ADBC) Program, has provided funding to more than a dozen Thematic Collections Networks (TCNs) for large-scale digitization projects. Most of the TCNs include a combination of small, medium and large collections. The presentation will examine how small herbarium collections are being digitized in two different TCNs. One of the TCNs is using two custom-built high through-out systems at centralized digitization facilities. The other TCN is using a more distributed approach in which smaller collections are using relatively inexpensive system to digitizing their own collections. The short-and long-term advantages and disadvantages of both approaches will be explored. Through-put and cost per specimen will be weighed against the long-term benefit of providing smaller herbaria with training and equipment that will allow them to digitize collections beyond the scope of the current project. The value of active involvement of small herbaria in terms of recognition within their own institution will also be considered