Data and digital images: progress, tools and scientiἰc need for digitizing Pacfἰc biological specimen collections

TitleData and digital images: progress, tools and scientiἰc need for digitizing Pacfἰc biological specimen collections
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsJames, Shelley A., and Nelson Gil
Conference Name23rd Pacific Science Congress
Date Published06/2016
Conference LocationTaipei, Taiwan
AbstractThe goal of this session is to enhance international collaboration in the Pacfἰc by bringing together managers of biological collections, data managers, researchers, and educators to share stories about the current progress of digitization of biological collections from the Asia-Paciἰc region, and communicate current research projects that are using biological collections data from climate change, to invasive species distribution, to systematics. The need for sustainable digitization and data archiving in the region will be discussed. Building upon sessions held at the Paciἰc Science Inter-Congress, Suva in 2013 and the DigBio-sponsored workshop held in Hawaii in 2014 ( paciἰc-0), an outcome of this session is to provide resources, ideas, support and tools for the digitization of biological collections from the Paciἰc region, housed both locally and internationally, and encourage the mobilization of high quality biological collections data for specimen management, curation, and research purposes. The tools, information and data available through the iDigBio website and data portal ( will be demonstrated.
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