SPNHC DemoCamp Session 2: Demos 4-8

4:00pm/ 16.00 (Demo4): GB/3D fossil types online – not only the largest collection of 3D digital fossils, but also major format, schema, and vocabulary conundrums. Mike Howe

4:20pm/ 16.20 (Demo5): Infrared thermal imaging as a collections management tool. Nigel Larkin

4:40pm/ 16.40 (Demo6): Crowdsourcing in LBCC using Symbiota. Barbara Thiers*, Edward Gilbert, Corinna Gries, & Benjamin Brandt

5:00pm/ 17.00 (Demo7): AnnoSys – an online tool to annotate biodiversity data. Okka Tschöpe*, Lutz Suhrbier, Anton Güntsch, & Walter G. Berendsohn

5:20pm/ 17.20 (Demo8): FP-DataEntry, a tool for bringing community knowledge into data transcription applications. Chuck McCallum, Paul J. Morris*, James Hanken, Maureen Kelly, David B. Lowery, Bertram Ludaescher, James A. Macklin, Robert A. Morris, & Tianhong Song

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