Title | ASM 2015 Conference Proceedings: 11am-12:30pm |
Publication Type | Conference Proceedings |
Year of Conference | 2015 |
Authors | iDigBio |
Keywords | ASM 2015 |
URL | http://idigbio.adobeconnect.com/p9nfode8hwb/ |
Full Text | 11:00am Intro to ASM/iDigBio Collections Digitization & Imaging Pre-Meeting Workshop- Cody W. Thompson, Michigan 11:05am iDigBio and the national collection digitization effort- Gil Nelson, iDigBio/Florida State 11:20am TCNs & PENS: planning and organizing your digitization projects- Larry M. Page, iDigBio/Florida 11:40am Using digitized data to advance research- Noe U. de la Sancha, Chicago State 12:00pm Integrating museum collections into the classroom- Tanya A. Dewey, ADW/Michigan (REMOTE) |