Entomology Collections Network: A model for accessible professional networking

TitleEntomology Collections Network: A model for accessible professional networking
Publication TypePresentation
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsBills, Christy
KeywordsSmall Collections Symposium SPNHC 2014
AbstractFor many years, the Entomology Collections Network has been providing a platform for the exchange for ideas and information for entomologists, from collections large and small. The approach of ECN is to maintain an active listserv and an affordable, efficient annual meeting. These two methods are very effective for networking and sharing questions and concerns. Because there are no dues to be a member of ECN and the annual meeting is very accessible, small collections that may be underfunded can still access the wider entomological community. This has been an especially successful way to disseminate digitization information about software, workflow, funding, imaging and other relevant matters. Entomology collections have unique management issues and complex digitization problems to solve. To a small collection manager, these difficulties may seem insurmountable. However, with access to other entomologists who are resolving similar issues, these barriers can be overcome, resulting in a greater number of total specimens databased.