
CoGe: Collaborative Georeferencing Demo Webinar

by Deborah Paul for Nelson E. Rios

If you need to georeference hundreds of thousands of localities for millions of specimens, how will you get it done? On May 1st, 2014, 88 people logged in to find out more about how to use CoGe, or Collaborative Georeferencing using a suite of tools developed at Tulane Biodiversity Institute.

Women in Science and Engineering Science Spring Camp

Studies show that as girls transfer from middle to high school, they can perceive science as ‘uncool’ and subsequently loose interest in scientific careers. iDigBio postdoctoral associate Dr. Charlotte Germain-Aubrey, external vice-president of the Women in Science and Engineering (WiSE) at the University of Florida, created the WiSE Girlz Spring Science Camp to contradict this notion.

Weekend Digitization Blitz Yields 4,276 Specimen Images for Archbold Biological Station

iDigBio, Archbold Biological Station, Tall Timbers Research Station (TTRS), and the Godfrey Herbarium at Florida State University (FSU) teamed up the weekend of January 18th and part of the following week to image Archbold’s entire herbarium collection. Gil Nelson and Joanna McCaffrey hauled a carload of contributed technology, including camera stations and equipment provided by TTRS and FSU as well as iDigBio’s new OR Technologies light box to the south-central Florida field station for the event.

Education & Outreach Workshop

The Education and Outreach Workshop, held in Gainesville, FL from January 15-17, 2014, brought together representatives from each TCN to broaden our knowledge of E&O opportunities, resources, and strategies. Education and outreach are critical components of iDigBio TCNs. These activities are as wide-ranging and diverse as the TCNs themselves, and have likewise engaged a variety of students.

Canada's Museum of Nature is Digitizing 3 Million Specimens. Part of an international movement to put archives online for researchers.

Canada's Museum of Nature is part of an international movement to put archives online for researchers. CLICK HERE to read full article on CBC News site.

By Max Paris Environment Unit, CBC News Posted: Jan 05, 2014 9:00 PM ET Last Updated: Jan 05, 2014 12:21 PM ET

Mobilizing Small Herbaria Workshop Attracts Enthusiastic Participants

Any doubt about the importance of small herbaria or the enthusiasm of their curators was certainly dispelled at the recent Mobilizing Small Herbaria workshop held at Florida State University the week of December 9th.  Co-sponsored by iDigBio, the Robert K. Godfrey Herbarium at Florida State, the North American Network of Small Herbaria, and the Small Collections Network (SCNet), the event brought together about 30 collections professionals from 25 institutions representing 16 states.


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