Data use
Research Spotlight: October 2020
Unlocking the secret histories of bats in natural history collections
Article by: Caitlin J.Campbell, Graduate Assistant at the UF Department of Biology
Using Digitized Herbarium Data in Research: A Virtual Botany 2020 Workshop
Research Spotlight: September 2020

Research Spotlight: July 2020
Contributed by: Aaron Goodman, Graduate Student Department of Entomology, California Academy of Sciences.
ESA 2016: Leveraging the Power of Biodiversity Specimen Data for Ecological Research
This was originally a guest post from PLOS Ecology Reporting Fellow, Caitlin McDonough, on research from the Ecological Society of America Scientific Meeting in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, August 7-11, 2016 on the PLOS Ecology Community blog.
iDigBio Hosts Workshop on Biodiversity Research Methods at Botany 2016 in Savannah, GA
For the third straight year, iDigBio hosted a full-day workshop on research methods using digitized herbarium specimen data at the annual Botany conference (Botany 2016, Savannah, GA), sponsored by the Botanical Society of America and its affiliated societies. After successful workshops on Georeferencing (Bo
Island Biology and iDigBio - expanding the role of biological specimens in evolution, ecology, and island conservation research
Research Spotlight: August 2016
Preserving historic bee specimens to protect future bee biodiversity
-- Contributed by Joan Meiners, PhD Student, Ernest Lab, School of Natural Resources and Environment, University of Florida
For my PhD research in Dr. Morgan Ernest's lab at the University of Florida, I am using large datasets of occurrence records of native bees and their habitat associations to try to understand native bee biodiversity and foraging more here.
iDigBio at Flora Malesiana 10
Who could resist a conference where the mascot is a giant bright red Rafflesia flower, where bagpipes serenade the participants, and kilt-wearing and traditional folk dancing are encouraged, along with stimulating science? The 10th International Flora Malesiana Symposium was hosted by the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, Scotland between 11-15 July 2016.
How to import occurrence records into manuscripts from GBIF, BOLD, iDigBio and PlutoF
From the Pensoft Editorial Team
iDigBio at ESA 100: Booth and Ignite Session on Using Biodiversity Data in Research
From Libby Ellwood (iDigBio Post Doc) and Deb Paul (iDigBio Data Specialist)
iDigBio Hosts Ecological Niche Modeling Workshop at Botany 2015
On July 26, 2015, iDigBio hosted an all-day ecological niche modeling (ENM) workshop at Botany 2015, the joint annual conference hosted by the Botanical Society of America, Plant Canada, and their affiliated societies, in Edmonton, Alberta.
SPNHC2015 Symposium: Specimens Full Circle: Collection to Digitization to Data Use
3 day collaborative task: create a Data Carpentry genomics lesson with assessment modules
By: Deb Paul, Shari Ellis, Andréa Matsunaga, Blaine Marchant
From Deb