Field to Database - Biodiversity Informatics and Data Management Skills for Specimen-based Research

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Application Form is Closed. Workshop is Full

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Workshop dates: March 9 - 12th, 2015

A 4-day, hands-on course for graduate students, postdocs, and researchers exploring data tools, current trends and best practices for collecting and managing field data, identifiers, trait data, and environmental variables. How can you collect and store your field-collected specimen data to easily integrate with external databases? What metadata is important? From born digital data, to research use of the data: this course starts with data collection in the field and ends with how best to get quality, standardized data into a format suitable for upload into a database to support long-term reproducible research workflows, data sharing, and data publication.

4 days: one-in-the-field, 3 in the classroom, in Gainesville. See a detailed tentative agenda (subject to change).

Applications are closed For workshop details see: Field to Database Wiki

Who is invited to apply? Anyone (graduate students, postdocs, and researchers) who collects and/or uses museum specimen collection data in their research is invited.

Funding and Logistics: There are no funds to support travel this workshop. A few rooms have been reserved with a group rate for those who may travel from out-of-town for this workshop. All materials and recordings will be available after the workshop for others to use at their local institutions. There is no tuition for this course.


  1. bring your own laptop
  2. Note that we will use R for data manipulation during this workshop. We will review the basics of R syntax and programming but with some familiarity with the language before coming to the workshop, you will get a lot more out of it. If you are selected to attend the workshop and have little experience with R, we ask that you go through at least one of the free online tutorial as the ones from coursera (, Code School ( or lynda (
  3. have spreadsheet, R and RStudio, and text editor software on your laptop
  4. commit to participate all 4 days

For more information, please contact Deb Paul

Start Date: 
Monday, March 09, 2015 (All day) to Thursday, March 12, 2015 (All day)
University of Florida
Remote Connection URL: