Update: Registration is open for the 3rd Annual Digital Data in Biodiversity Research Conference

Yale Peabody Museum in collaboration with iDigBio, the Natural Sciences Collections Alliance, and Ecological Society of America is pleased to update our announcement of the third annual Digital Data in Biodiversity Research conference, to be held 10-12 June 2019 at Yale University, New Haven, CT.

New this year is the opportunity to submit abstracts for half or full-day workshops and symposia to be held on Wednesday the 12th. 

More conference info (including links to registration, lodging information, and abstract submission guidelines) is available at: https://www.idigbio.org/content/save-date-methods-protocols-and-analytical-tools-specimen-based-research-biological-sciences.

For further information or to ensure that you are on the conference update email list, please contact Jill Goodwin (jvgoodwin@fsu.edu) or Gil Nelson (gnelson@floridmuseum.ufl.edu at iDigBio.