Workshop Opportunity: Strategies for Vertebrate Digitization




iDigBio, the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology, Bishop Museum, and University of Michigan Museum of Zoology are pleased to offer a 3-day workshop focused on the digitization of vertebrate collections, to include the value of live audio and video phenotypic recordingsmedia metadata standards, media recording techniques (including equipment setup, configuration, and use), methods for linking media to physical specimens, media metadata standards, the value of specimen still images, issues in launching a digitization program, digitization workflows, and digital asset management and archiving. Topics to be considered include but are not limited to pre-digitization curation, data acquisition, 2D and 3D imaging, public participation and citizen science, and the use of specimen data in research. This is an all vertebrate taxa workshop, including marine and terrestrial mammals, birds, fishes, reptiles, and amphibians.


Workshop attendance is fully supported. We have funding to reimburse travel, lodging, and meals for 40 participants. Funding is restricted to personnel in U.S. institutions. Self-supported attendees from non-U.S. institutions may be accepted on a space-available basis.


Workshop dates are 3-7 May 2015 (3 and 7 are travel days).Travel and hotel arrangements and meal reimbursements will be made by iDigBio. The target audience includes vertebrate collections directors, curators, and collections managers, domain scientists, and other collections professionals in museums, biological field stations, and academic institutions. To apply, please complete the online application by end of day 14 November 2014. Successful applicants will be notified by 30 November 2014.


What: Vertebrate Digitization Workshop.

When: 3-7 May 2015 (3 and 7 are travel days).

Where: Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology, Ithaca, NY.

Who: Vertebrate collections directors, curators, collections managers, domain scientists, and other collections professionals in U.S museums, biological research stations, and academic institutions.

How: Apply online by 14 November 2014.

Planning team: Molly Hagerman (Bishop Museum), Gil Nelson (iDigBio/Florida State University), Cody Thompson (University of Michigan Museum of Zoology), Mike Webster (Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology, Cornell University).

Further information: Please contact Gil Nelson (