Seeking Effective Efficient Digitization - ZooKeys Publishes iDigBio's 5 Task Clusters

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All of us at iDigBio are excited to announce the publication of Five Task Clusters that Enable Efficient and Effective Digitization of Biodiversity Collections in ZooKeys 209:19-45 (2012) Special Issue. We look forward to your comments as we continue to look for, encourage and disseminate the most efficient digitization methods for each collection type. iDigBio staff members, Gil Nelson and Deborah Paul, would like to extend a special thank you to each staff member and student at all the institutions we visited, each of whom made it possible to see and learn so very much in such a short time. From all of us at iDigBio, here's to all our digitization efforts!

This article is one of 19 papers in a special issue of ZooKeys entitled No specimen left behind: mass digitization of natural history collections. Included are articles by investigators at three TCNs: "Increasing the efficiency of digitization workflows for herbarium specimens," by Melissa Tulig, Nicole Tarnowsky, Michael Bevans, Anthony Kirchgessner, and Barbara Thiers; "InvertNet: a new paradigm for digital access to invertebrate collections," by Chris Dietrich, John Hart, David Raila, Umberto Ravaioli, Nahil Sobh, Omar Sobh, and Chris Taylor; and "Integrating specimen databases and revisionary systematics" by Randall Schuh.

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