Fluid-preserved Invertebrate Imaging Workshop Opportunity


iDigBio, the National Science Foundation’s national HUB for Advancing Digitization of Biological Collections (ADBC), in collaboration with the University of Michigan's Museum of Zoology, is pleased to announce the fifth in a series of preparation-specific workshops focusing on biological collections digitization. The workshop announced here focuses on imaging techniques for fluid-preserved invertebrates and microscopic slides. The target audience for this workshop includes collections managers, curators, and directors in U.S. non-federal invertebrate collections with significant numbers of fluid- and microscopic-slide-preserved specimens. The primary goal of this workshop is to prepare participants for imaging these difficult-to-record collection objects. Workshop topics will include but are not restricted to: 1) image file types and standards; 2) equipment specifically tailored for recording images of microscopic slides; 3) equipment specifically tailored for recording specimens of small, fluid-preserved inveterbrates; 4) imaging software and tools, 5) open source imaging software and image processing software; 6) open source tools for data management; 7) open source operating system; 8) microphotography with and without a microscope; 9) lighting for imaging; 10) methods for specimen rehydration; and 11) workflows and strategies for recording images of fluid-preserved insects, arachnids, myriapods, and crustaceans. Sample workflows, hardware specifications, and comparison software features will be available during and following the workshop through a workshop wiki. As much as practicable, workshop sessions will focus on practical application and demonstration.


The workshop announced here will be held at the Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI September 16-18, 2013. iDigBio has funding to support travel and per diem for 20 participants. September 16 and 19 will be travel days, with a welcoming reception the evening of September 16. Those desiring to attend this workshop should complete the online application no later than May 8, 2013. Questions about the application or related issues should be addressed to iDigBio’s Project Assistant, Cathy Bester (cbester@flmnh.ufl.edu), or to workshop coordinator Gil Nelson (gnelson@bio.fsu.edu). Participants will be notified of acceptance the week of May 13, 2013.


What: Workshop featuring Imaging Strategies for Small Fluid-preserved Invertebrates and Microscopic Slides.

Where: Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

Who: Managers, curators, and directors of fluid-preserved invertebrate collections who are in the planning stages, early initiation, or enhancement of specimen imaging.

When: September 16-18, 2013 (September 16 and 19 will be travel days)

Planning Team: Rebekah Baquiran (Field Museum), Sandy Brantley (University of New Mexico), Gil Nelson (iDigBio), Mark O’Brien (University of Michigan).

Sponsored by: iDigBio (Integrated Digitized Biocollections) in collaboration with the Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan.

Contact: For further information, contact Gil Nelson (gnelson@bio.fsu.edu) or Mark O’Brien (mfobrien@umich.edu).

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