Call for Abstracts biodiveristy_next

Dear Colleagues,

We are excited to announce the list of accepted workshops and symposia for biodiversity_next and to make the call for individual contributions to be published in Biodiversity Information Science and Standards (BISS). Instructions for submitting abstracts may be found here.

The deadline for abstract submission is 22 March 2019.

Abstracts are required for all oral presentations and posters. Payment and registration for the conference is required for acceptance and publication of all abstracts. No abstracts are expected for workshops or other types of (interest or task) group meetings. Contributions requiring abstracts are described below.

Types of Contributions:

Symposium Presentations

The Programme Committee reviewed proposals submitted earlier in 2018, choosing topics fitting the themes and goals of the conference. A symposium consists of a collection of related talks under a theme, which may include a panel or open discussion. Accepted symposia are listed here. If you would like to give a talk, you should first check whether your topic fits into an existing proposal. If so, submit your abstract for consideration by the symposium organizers and the Programme Committee. Your abstract may be accepted in your chosen symposium, directed to another symposium, placed with contributed oral presentations, or considered as a poster. Because the competition for the limited number of oral presentation slots is predicted to be strong, a higher proportion of submitted abstracts may be changed to posters at the discretion of the Programme Committee.

Contributed Oral Presentations

If your presentation does not fit within an existing symposium, you can submit your abstract directly as a “Contributed Oral Presentation” in a specific track (Infrastructure, Policy, Science, or Standards). Accepted abstracts will be organized into sessions by the Programme Committee, looking for affinities among submissions.


We will provide dedicated space for posters and a designated time for authors to interact with conference attendees. Space is designed for A1-sized posters (841 mm high x 594 mm wide) in a portrait orientation.

The Conference

The Stadsgehoorzaal, Leiden will provide the setting for the major events of biodiversity_next‘s science week, 22–25 October 2019. Nearby venues will provide meeting space for pre-conference activities 19–21 October, including workshops, working group meetings, and business meetings of the major international organisations joining together for this conference: Biodiversity Information Standards (referred to as TDWG), Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF), Consortium of European Taxonomic Facilities (CETAF), Distributed System of Scientific Collections (DiSSCo), and Integrated Digitized Biocollections (iDigBio). The conference is hosted by Naturalis Biodiversity Center (Naturalis) and Netherlands GBIF (NLBIF).


All accepted conference abstracts will be peer-reviewed and published in the open access journal, Biodiversity Information Science and Standards (BISS), hosted by Pensoft. Abstracts are limited to 600 words and may include references (included in the word count), one table and figure.

Questions? See or contact us at

See you in Leiden!

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