ASB Digitization Symposium and Workshop


The Association of Southeastern Biologists (ASB), in partnership with iDigBio, is pleased to announce a symposium and workshop that focus on on workflows in the digitization of biological collections to be held at our annual meeting in Charleston, West Virginia, in April 2013. The half-day symposium (Friday, 12 April, 2013) will feature five speakers, some of which are from existing TCNs, and some from developing collaborative efforts. The full-day workshop (Saturday, 13 April, 2013), will focus on workflows and will be broadly applicable across disciplines. By taking this combined symposium/workshop approach, workshop participants who attended the symposium should be better informed about the goals behind digitization, leading to a more productive workshop.

This workshop is targeted at both novice and experienced digitizers who are or will be directly involved with the management or curation of any biological collections of any size. The primary goals of this workshop include: 1) Providing novice digitizers with an introduction to iDigBio and its role in national digitization efforts; 2) Providing digitizers who may be working in isolation with an opportunity to form collaborative networks with others in their fields; 3) Providing existing networks of collaborators an opportunity to expand their networks and their efforts; 4) Educating participants about the diversity of workflows that have been applied to different kinds of taxonomic collections so that digitizers are better informed of their options; and 5) Training potential future digitizers in digitization workflow best practices through a one-day workshop.

The workshop will be held at the annual meeting of ASB in Charleston, West Virginia, 13 April 2013. iDigBio will provide a stipend for up to 24 participants. If you are interested in attending this workshop, complete our online application before 1 March.

What: Workshop for Workflows in Digitizing Biological Specimens

Where: ASB 2013, Charleston, West Virginia

Who: Directors, managers, curators, or others involved in or are planning to be involved in biological collections digitization

When: Saturday, 13 April 2013

To apply: Complete the online application before 1 March 2013.

Contact: For further information contact Ashley Morris (

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