Strategic Planning

Registration Open for Fall 2024 Strategic Planning for Biodiversity Collections Course

Dear Colleagues,

iDigBio is pleased to announce an 8-week "Strategic Planning for Biodiversity Collections” online course!

Take this opportunity to introduce new purpose and excitement into your organization. Prepare to relate your collection’s compelling vision to stakeholders and discuss long-term goals and strategies with administrators.

Registration Open for Spring 2024 Strategic Planning for Herbaria Course


Dear Colleagues,

iDigBio and the Society of Herbarium Curators are pleased to announce an 8-week "Strategic Planning for Herbaria” online course.

Take this opportunity to introduce new purpose and excitement into your organization. Prepare to relate your herbarium’s compelling vision to stakeholders and discuss long-term goals and strategies with administrators.

Registration Open for Fall 2022 Strategic Planning for Biodiversity Collections Course

Dear Colleagues,

iDigBio is pleased to announce an 8-week "Strategic Planning for Biodiversity Collections” online course.

Take this opportunity to introduce new purpose and excitement into your organization. Prepare to relate your collection’s compelling vision to stakeholders and discuss long-term goals and strategies with administrators.

2022 Strategic Planning for Herbaria Course

Dear Colleagues,

The Society of Herbarium Curators and iDigBio are pleased to announce an 8-week "Strategic Planning for Herbaria” online course.

Take this opportunity to introduce new purpose and excitement into your organization. Prepare to relate your herbarium’s compelling vision to stakeholders and discuss long-term goals and strategies with administrators.

iDigBio Retreat 2013: Incorporating Insights and Ideas for the Future

On May 6th and 7th, 2013, in a barn 3 hours from the home of iDigBio at University of Florida in Gainesville, the entire staff of iDigBio from UF and Florida State University gathered at Tall Timbers Research Station just north of Tallahassee for a two day retreat. Getting together at one time and in one place to work together was a rare opportunity everyone appreciated. We shared stories, celebrated almost two years of our project, and worked on our strategic plan.

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