Darwin Core Archive

Workshop: Data Standards, Data Sharing, and Demystifying the Integrated Publishing Toolkit (IPT)

UPDATE 7 January Recording of Pre-workshop Webinar: Overview of the GBIF IPT Installation and Set up

UPDATE 1 January 2015: Workshop is full in both Ottawa and Gainesville.

UPDATE 8 December 2014: Be sure to come to the pre-workshop Webinar: Overview of the GBIF IPT Installation and Set up January 7th, 2015 from NOON to 2 PM EST.

iDigBio Data Ingestion Requirements and Guidelines

This guide describes the formats and requirements for ingesting data into iDigBio.

Supported File Formats: iDigBio strives to make data ingestion into our infrastructure as easy as possible. To achieve this, we have identified two lowest common denominator export file formats that we will initially support for dataset ingestion.

Standards Documentation: 
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