UPDATE 7 January Recording of Pre-workshop Webinar: Overview of the GBIF IPT Installation and Set up
UPDATE 1 January 2015: Workshop is full in both Ottawa and Gainesville.
UPDATE 8 December 2014: Be sure to come to the pre-workshop Webinar: Overview of the GBIF IPT Installation and Set up January 7th, 2015 from NOON to 2 PM EST.
UPDATE 4 November 2014: Ottawa open for applications. Gainesville is full.
Workshop: Data Sharing, Data Standards, and Demystifying the GBIF Integrated Publishing Toolkit (IPT)
When: 13-14 January 2015
Where: 2 locations - University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida @iDigBio and Ottawa, ON Canada at the K.W. Neatby Building of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Participants: Data Managers, Collection Managers, and Researchers (limited to taxonomists)
What kind of data?: Datasets limited to occurrence data, (not checklists or observations)
Organizers: iDigBio, Canadian Biodiversity Information Facility, Canadensys, GBIF, VertNet, USGS-BISON, and the TTD-TCN.
Workshop Wiki: Data Sharing, Data Standards, and Demystifying the IPT
This workshop is for you if you:
- have a dataset and need/want to get it into a standard format for sharing
- manage data for a museum collection and would like to learn how to use the GBIF IPT
- want to understand more about Darwin Core and Data Sharing Standards
- would like to understand just what is meant by "Darwin Core Archive file (DwC-A)"
- want to learn how to create or update Darwin Core Archive files using the IPT
- would like to understand just a bit more about where data goes and how it gets there once it leaves your collection
- are a taxonomist with an occurrence dataset who would like publish your dataset as a DwC-A with your related taxonomic publication
You want to walk away with an IPT instance installed on your local machine.
- We have a webinar to help answer questions about IPT install and set up.
- You want to get a DwC-A version of your dataset out of the workshop but don’t have and don’t want to have an IPT installed on your laptop. Even if you don’t have and don’t want to have an IPT installed on your laptop, we have a remote IPT instance you can use to generate the DwC-A.
Got questions?
Ottawa applicants contact: James Macklin james.macklin@agr.gc.ca
Gainesville applicants contact: Deborah Paul dpaul@fsu.edu