Data ingestion

GUID Guide for Data Providers

A Globally Unique Identifier (GUID) is a unique reference number used as an identifier. Complexities associated with specimens and associated, dynamic data in natural history collections have led to differences in opinions about how to create GUIDs and where they are required vs. recommended. This guide is intended to give data providers the information necessary to assign GUIDs that will allow iDigBio to ingest and share data.

Standards Documentation:

iDigBio Intellectual Property Policy

iDigBio promotes open-access to sharing data through the iDigBio portal. iDigBio’s goal is to make data for scientific specimens widely available in electronic format. iDigBio strongly urges those who submit content to do so without limitation on use or without limitation on use other than attribution.

Standards Documentation:

iDigBio Data Ingestion Requirements and Guidelines

This guide describes the formats and requirements for ingesting data into iDigBio.

Supported File Formats: iDigBio strives to make data ingestion into our infrastructure as easy as possible. To achieve this, we have identified two lowest common denominator export file formats that we will initially support for dataset ingestion.

Standards Documentation:

iDigBio Image File Format Requirements and Recommendations

iDigBio’s mission requires that it be able to aggregate and distribute digital images of biological specimens, records, and other objects associated with specimens (e.g., labels and notes) generated by TCNs and other bio- and paleo-collections hosting institutions. Linked below is a document providing current iDigBio policy as well as recommendations for acquiring, processing, archiving, and distributing still, two-dimensional digital images. We recognize the importance of other image types, including three-dimensional images, and will expand this current policy through time as demand dictates.

Current version:

Version history:

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