iDigBio Bibliography

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SCAN: A Data Portal Built to Visualize, Manipulate, and Export Species Occurrences, Cobb, Neil , Recorded Presentation, (2014)
SCAN: Moving Beyond the K-12 Paradigm, Basham, Melody , (2014)
Schema config, iDigBio , (2014)
Scientific Collections: Mission-Critical Infrastructure for Federal Science Agencies, A Report of the Interagency Working Group on Scientific Collections., , (2009)
SCNet: Supporting Digitization in Small Collections, Nelson, Gil, and Monfils Anna , (2015)
Security, iDigBio , (2014)
Selecting a Camera and Imaging Station , McCaffrey, Joanna , (2014)
Semantics in Support of Biodiversity Knowledge Discovery: An Introduction to the Biological Collections Ontology and Related Ontologies., Wells, Ramona, Deck John, Guralnick Robert, Baskauf Steve, Beaman Reed, Blum Stanley, Bowers Shawn, Buttigieg Pier Luigi, Davies Neil, Endresen Dag, et al. , PLoS ONE, 03/2014, Volume 9, Issue 3, (2014)
Semi-automated workflows for acquiring specimen data from label images in herbarium collections, Taxon, , Taxon, Volume 59, Issue 6, p.1830-1842, (2010)
Session 1- Horse Evolution in Response to Climate Change, Moran, Sean, and MacFadden Bruce , CAR 222, (2015)
Session 1-Human Evolution, Boyer, Doug , Carr 221, (2015)
Session 1-Teach Deep Time: stratigraphy and ecosystem change over time with Smithsonian collections , Bolton, Amy , Carr 221, (2015)
Session 2- Horse Evolution in Response to Climate Change, Moran, Sean, and MacFadden Bruce J. , (2015)
Session 2-Human Evolution, Boyer, Doug , Carr 221, (2015)
Session 2-Teach Deep Time: stratigraphy and ecosystem change over time with Smithsonian collections, Bolton, Amy , Carr 221, (2015)
Sharing Data: Data Extraction and Identifiers, Paul, Deborah , (2014)
Sharing Data: Standards and Practice , Paul, Deborah , (2014)
Sharing Information Online , Riccardi, Greg , (2014)
SharkFinder:Advancing the understanding of evolution and diversity through a flexible scalable citizen science program, Alford, Aaron A., and Osborne Jason , (2014)
Simplifying Extract-Transform-Load for Ranked Hierarchical Trees via Mapping Specifications, Soomro, Sarfaraz, Matsunaga Andréa, and Fortes José A. B. , Formalisms for Reuse and Systems Integration, Volume 346, p.203-225, (2015)
Skeletal Records Accompanying Images: Efficiency VS Later Utility, Rabeler, Richard K. , (2015)
Slide imaging at Naturalis Biodiversity Center, Van Leusen, Joost , (2013)
Slide imaging in the Field Museum, Ware, Stephanie , (2013)
Small Collection Perspective: What Made Me Commit to Digitization?, Evans, Tim , (2014)
Small Collections Can Make Big Waves in Education and Outreach, Singer, Randy A., and Page Larry M. , Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections 31st Annual Meeting, 06/2016, Berlin, Germany, (2016)
