Improving Data Quality: iDigBio Recordset data cleaning method, tools, and data flags

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poster for the Data Management Interest Group at iDigBioUPDATE: recording of this webinar here:

What: Steps in the Data Life Cycle for Improving Data Quality: from the aggregator and provider point-of-view.

iDigBio IT staff, Alex Thompson and Matt Collins introduce us to recordset data cleaning at iDigBio. What methods and tools are they using? What kinds of data issues are they finding? How can data providers get access to this data, these "data flags"? How do data providers use this data to enhance and improve the data in their local databases? How does iDigBio get the updated data? What does this mean for someone searching the database at iDigBio? For answers to these questions, and more, save the date: October 23rd, 2015, 2 PM EST.


When: October 23rd, 2015, 2 PM EDT

Presenters from iDigBio IT: Alex Thompson and Matt Collins

Presenters and panel guests: Heather Appleby (School of Visual Arts NATLab (;, and Katja Seltmann from Cheadle Center for Biodiversity and Ecological Restoration and former Project / Data Manager for the Tri-Trophic TCN.

Pre-webinar reading: Check out blog post by Heather Appleby and Katja Seltmann about their experience using the information in the data flags provided by iDigBio. What did they learn? What did we learn at iDigBio? What's next?

Brought to you by the iDigBio DMIG and the iDigBio CYWG

Start Date: 
Friday, October 23, 2015 - 2:00pm to 3:30pm EDT
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