iDigBio and Collaborations at Ecological Society of America 2020

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iDigBio works to share and facilitate broader biocollections data use and provide access to data and computational literacy skills and knowledge needed to support FAIR and reproducible research. As part of an on-going strategy, iDigBio has participated in-some-fashion at the yearly Ecologial Society of America Conference since 2015.

Several organizations continue to coordinate a Data Help Desk resource in the exhibit space at ESA, an activity started in 2018. Past participants offering this community networking and expertise-sharing service include: NEON, GBIF, Arctic Data Center, Environmental Data Iniative (EDI), Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP), NCEAS, DataONE, and iDigBio. Our network also contributed to ESA's "Career Central" program activities tailored to the career needs of the ecology community. Our Data Help Desk events also provide a unique way to show how programs funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and others (e.g. federally-funded USGS, ESIP) collaborate and fit together as part of a larger cohesive research infrastructure vision. See the wiki for last year's Data Help Desk 2019 for a taste of what we do and read the ESA-published blog post "Data Questions?
Data Help Desk has the Answers
" to learn more.

For 2020, plans are underway to once again provide a joint Data Help Desk, participate in the Open Science Section at ESA, and make major contributions to Career Central that will be featured in ESA's conference promotional activities. In addition, some of us will be presenting in ESA Special Sessions and Ignite Sessions. Watch this announcement for more details. Join us at ESA 2020 in Salt Lake City, Utah (now virtual!) from August 2-7 where this year's theme is "Harnessing the ecological data revolution."

Known events so far.

  • Ignite Session: Reusing ecological data to answer new questions - persistent problems and promising progress
  • Data Help Desk (round 3)
  • ESA 2020 Career Central
Start Date: 
Sunday, August 02, 2020 (All day) to Friday, August 07, 2020 (All day)
Salt Palace Convention Center
Salt Lake City
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