BugFlow: A Community-Driven Repository for Entomology Digitization Resources

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After 10 years of concentrated efforts in entomological collections digitization, the BugFlow group is updating entomology digitization workflow modules and publishing them as a versionable resource on GitHub (https://entcollnet.github.io/BugFlow). In addition to updating these modules, BugFlow is capturing the methods and practices used to do this work and incorporate new versioning and metadata practices for workflows developed using these modules. The GitHub repository (https://github.com/EntCollNet/BugFlow) will serve as a central clearinghouse for exemplar digitization workflows, and the BugFlow group will endeavor to produce versions in multiple languages to support wider adoption and ease-of-use. BugFlow aims to improve the sustainability of digitization activities, and reduce duplication of effort in the development of new workflows. Join BugFlow presenters for a webinar that will include an overview of the project as well as a demo of how you can contribute by adding your own institution-specific workflows to the GitHub repository. BugFlow encourages participation in this initiative from contributors globally, and those who would like to be involved should contact the group by joining the GitHub repository.

This event is brought to you by iDigBio and the Terrestrial Parasite Tracker TCN. A recording of this webinar is available at https://vimeo.com/555422512.

Start Date: 
Wednesday, May 26, 2021 - 2:00pm to 3:00pm EDT
Remote Connection URL: 
Recording policy: 
By attending iDigBio’s online events, you accept that the event will be recorded and posted for later asynchronous viewing.