Webinar Series: Adapting to COVID-19: Resources for Natural History Collections in a New Virtual World

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Photo:Virginia Mayo, AP, The Detroit News

iDigBio recognizes the rapid changes happening within museum communities and the efforts being made throughout the community to adapt to these changes. We hope that this webinar series can help to provide insight into how different groups and institutions are adapting to life in a quickly evolving world. We currently have the following events planned and would love to hear from the community if you have ideas for future webinars. All webinars will be recorded and held in Zoom. Stay tuned for more events to be posted soon!

Please visit the series wiki page for recordings and additional resourceshttps://www.idigbio.org/wiki/index.php/Webinar_Series:_Adapting_to_COVID-19:_Resources_for_Natural_History_Collections_in_a_New_Virtual_World

July 28: Planning for Virtual Events: Lessons learned from Digital Data & SPNHC Conference Planners
Topics to include: Registration, Planning the Schedule, Recruiting and Trainings for Presenters and Moderators, Planning for Posters and Oral Presenters (Storage, Communication, Accessibility - time zones, etc), Vendors, Website and Organization, Benefits of a Virtual Mtg
August 25: Executing Virtual Events: Lessons learned from Digital Data & SPNHC Conference Planners
Zoom, Social Media/Advertising, Audience Engagement/Managing Expectations, Day of Roles and Responsibilities, Moderators/ Tech Support, Social Engagements, Accessibility, Surveys, Meeting formats moving forward
September 15-17: Taking the Pulse of Natural History Collections During COVID-19 Series: Where are we now?
Join iDigBio, NSCA, BCON, NSF, and SPNHC for a mini-series to discuss the climate of natural history collections during COVID. What is the community experiencing? How are they coping? How do we persevere?
September 15: Review Results of BCON’s Community Survey & Break-out room discussion
Speaker: Barbara Thiers
September 16: Collections Perspectives & Break-out room discussion
Speakers: John Bates, Emily Braker, Brian Atkinson, Mare Nazare
September 17: Moving Forward: Communities Response and Opportunities for the Future: Presentations and Panel Discussion/Q&A
Speakers: Rob Gropp, Pam Soltis, Scott Miller, Roland Roberts
October 27: Virtual Project Management, Tips and Tools
Join us for an informative webinar focused on the basics of project management followed by lessons learned from the iDigBio community through managing multi-institution digitization projects (e.g. ADBC Thematic Collections Networks). Topics to include: organization,  project tracking, communication strategies, and compiling and preparing reports. There will also be time for Q&A at the end of the webinar.
Speakers: Diego Barroso; Project Manager TORCH TCN, BRIT, Jen Zaspel; Terrestrial Parasite Tracker Lead PI & David Jennings, Project Manager, iDigBio
November 18: Engaging Public Participation in Collections Digitization
Learn about opportunities to use the Zooniverse platform for collections digitization, including examples of Notes from Nature related to transcription and phenology scoring projects. We will also demo available project management tools for NfN, followed by a higher-level explanation of the technology behind the platform that makes it all possible. 
Speakers: Austin Mast; iDigBio, Florida State University & Katie Pearson, Project Manager California Phenology TCN
December 8: Built-in Flexibility: Lessons learned to engage your community virtually
Join us for an interactive webinar focused on designing engaging and accessible online events that build lasting community. We will explore the 2020 Biology and Math Educators (BIOME) Institute organized by BioQUEST and QUBES as a case study. We will share lessons learned and practices that can be applied to online professional development and educational events. Topics include: participant engagement, asynchronous and synchronous community building, access, universal design, and online professional development. More information about this webinar can be found at Hasley, A. O., Orndorf, H., Rook, D. (2020). Built-in Flexibility: Lessons learned to engage your community virtually. QUBES Leadership Team, QUBES Educational Resources. doi:10.25334/R6Y9-4T28.
Speakers: Andrew Hasley, Hayley Orndorf, and Deborah Rook BioQUEST
February 23: Using social media to support and promote natural history collections
Join speakers from the Florida Museum of Natural History, the Alf Museum of Paleontology, and the Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections to learn how you can use social media as an effective outreach tool, both for communicating the value of your collection and for forging new collaborations. We will discuss how to frame social media engagement as storytelling, including how to think about your target audiences and narrative strategy on different platforms (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, etc.) and how to use metrics to track success beyond numbers of likes. This webinar will also cover how to consider inclusivity and diversity in your social media strategy, and how to use backwards planning to make your social media workload manageable.
Speakers: Sadie Mills, Gabe Santos, Mariana Di Giacomo
Start Date: 
Tuesday, July 28, 2020 - 2:00pm to 3:30pm EDT
Tuesday, August 25, 2020 - 2:00pm to 3:30pm EDT
Tuesday, September 15, 2020 - 2:00pm to 3:30pm EDT
Wednesday, September 16, 2020 - 2:00pm to 3:30pm EDT
Thursday, September 17, 2020 - 2:00pm to 3:30pm EDT
Tuesday, October 27, 2020 - 2:00pm to 3:00pm EDT
Wednesday, November 18, 2020 - 2:00pm to 3:00pm EST
Tuesday, December 08, 2020 - 2:00pm to 3:00pm EST
Tuesday, February 23, 2021 - 2:00pm to 3:00pm EST
Zoom - See event above for room information.
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