Title: Making parasite-host associations visible in Terrestrial Parasite Tracker (TPT)
Date: July 8, 2020
Time: 2-3 pm ET
Zoom link: https://ufl.zoom.us/j/95800148471
Password: TPT
Presenters: Jen Zaspel, Kathryn Sullivan (Milwaukee Public Museum Department of Zoology) and Katja Seltmann (University of California Santa Barbara)
The TPT biotic association working group put this initial resource together to help data providers navigate the process of making association data more visible for research through GloBI (https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3780543). This webinar will review that document and focus on data transcription recommendations for data providers in TPT. We will provide examples of various parasite specimens with label data and demonstrate how biotic association data will be captured in different platforms, including Symbiota/SCAN. We will also provide opportunities for providers to enhance data visibility in GloBI by utilizing a standard glossary of association terms. The second half of the webinar will open up to discussion with network providers and outside stakeholders interested in using data generated by TPT.