Webinar: Energizing Classroom and WeDigBio Events with the BIOSPEX Scoreboard

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Energizing Classroom and WeDigBio Events with the BIOSPEX Scoreboard

Friday, Sept 27, 3 p.m. EST, at https://idigbio.adobeconnect.com/wedigbio

Speaker: Austin Mast, Moderator: Libby Ellwood

BIOSPEX (biospex.org) recently rolled out functionality in support of digitization events, such as a class assignment or the annual WeDigBio Event.  This software enables event participants to split into teams for competitions or participate as a single collaborative team while completing transcriptions of label data or other digitization activities for natural history collections.  Progress can be monitored in near-real-time on an event scoreboard.  Data generated by participants can be downloaded by the event organizer for downstream analysis (e.g., as part of statistics homework) and grading.  Event organizers can choose from among 30+ BIOSPEX projects with expeditions at Notes from Nature (notesfromnature.org) for their event.  During WeDigBio 2018, the WeDigFLPlants Project ran a 4-day team competition in which ten 5-person teams competed for prizes using the software.  The webinar will walk through the process of establishing an event at BIOSPEX and answer questions that prospective users might have. 

Start Date: 
Friday, September 27, 2019 - 3:00pm to 4:00pm EDT
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