Strategies for Vertebrate Digitization Workshop


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iDigBio, in collaboration with the University of California, Berkeley’s Museum of Vertebrate Zoology (MVZ) and the Integrated Biology Graduate Student Association (IBGSA) is pleased to announce a second vertebrate digitization workshop, to be held in Berkeley, CA, April 4-6, 2016 (April 3 and 7 are travel days). We have funds to fully support up to 40 participants including travel, lodging, and meals. Self-funded participants may also attend on a space-available basis. Financial support is restricted to representatives of public, non-federal collections in the United States. Those who participated in the vertebrate digitization workshop at Cornell in May 2015 are also eligible to apply. To apply, please complete the brief application form at:

This workshop will focus heavily on imaging vertebrate collections, with an emphasis on 2D imaging. Imaging topics will include but not be limited to selecting and setting up 2D imaging stations, lighting systems, 2D imaging techniques, imaging on a budget, strategies for imaging dry-preserved and fluid-preserved specimens, consideration of image storage requirements, imaging ledgers and catalogs, imaging microscopic slides, mining images for character traits, issues of scale in imaging large and small specimens, workflows, image processing, and evaluating what to image, including consideration of standard views.


Data issues addressed will include the importance of data standards, including Darwin Core and Audubon Core, publishing data to the web via aggregators, including iDigBio, and consideration of core specimen data to be preserved.


Plans call for a variety of presentations, several demonstrations and hands-on activities, abundant opportunity for community discussion and decision making, and collections tours and digitization strategies at MVZ.


What: Strategies for Vertebrate Digitization

When: April 4-6, 2016 (April 3 & 7 are travel days)

Where: University of California, Berkeley

Sponsors: iDigBio, University of California, Berkeley’s Museum of Vertebrate Zoology (MVZ), Integrated Biology Graduate Student Association (IBGSA)


Planning team: Laura Abraczinskas (Michigan State University Museum), David Bloom (MVZ), Emily Braker (University of Colorado Museum of Natural History), Molly Hagemann (Bishop Museum), Gil Nelson (iDigBio), Cody Thompson (University of Michigan Museum of Zoology), Andrew Williston (Harvard Museum of Comparative Zoology), Mike Webster (Cornell Lab of Ornithology)


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