SPNHC 2014 Special Interest Group Session: Collections Digitization and Opportunities for International Collaboration

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SPNHC 2014 Special Interest Group Session: Collections Digitization and Opportunities for International Collaboration. (June 27th, 2014)

Where: Cardiff, Wales at the Amgueddfa Cymru – National Museum Wales

Conveners: Deborah L Paul (iDigBio), Elspeth M Haston (RBGE), Richard K. Rabeler (UM)


As SPNHC is an international organization, the yearly conference is an ideal place to gather those individuals currently involved in digitization of our world-wide natural history collections (nhc). Everyone interested is invited to participate. In this one-hour special session, our aim is to initiate a conversation, a kick-off, to facilitate represented digitization projects world-wide in finding effective cooperative and collaborative strategies benefiting all parties going forward. Please come with ideas in hand and methods that are working - ready to share. In this age of increasing focus on specimen digitization, the number of initiatives and methodologies are both increasing.  We feel it is essential to foster a larger integrated network among participants in these initiatives, by encouraging members to get involved in each other's groups across continents and across domains.

Invitees: Anyone attending SPNHC 2014 involved in or interested in current nhc digitization efforts.

Format: Lead off with short introduction to the purpose of the meeting, followed by open discussion and closing with concrete next steps.

Comments / Ideas: email to dpaul@fsu.edu with Subject: SPNHC 2014 Digitization Collaboration

Seed Topics / Scope: With this session, we endeavor to connect digitization initiatives both large and small across geographic, taxonomic, and political boundaries. We plan to discuss such topics as citizen science / crowd-sourcing tools (users and developers), working group outreach / overlap to extend the respective reach of each project and access to expertise, and sustainability, where we may focus on our workforce training needs to maintain digital collections and how large projects can help small collections with their digitization efforts. And, by community request, we're adding Digitization Services and Digitization on Demand.

Expected Outcomes.

  1. Plan for continuing the conversations started here (Working or Interest Group).
  2. Set up participation in each others working groups as first step (cooperation) to actual collaboration. Start with Working Group Discovery.
  3. Discuss / develop plans / ideas list for how large groups can help small ones.
  4. Discuss / develop concrete plans / ideas for citizen science / crowd-sourcing tools, working group collaboration, and workforce training.
  5. Community input on how we can work together.
Start Date: 
Friday, June 27, 2014 (All day)
Amgueddfa Cymru – National Museum Wales (Cardiff, Wales, UK)
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