UPDATE: Wiki for Workshop: https://www.idigbio.org/wiki/index.php/Small_Herbarium_Workshop_FSU
UPDATE: Got Twitter? Small Herbaria Workshop hash tag #smallherb
UDDATE: https://idigbio.adobeconnect.com/smallherb AdobeConnect link to attend remotely! See you there.
UPDATE: Google notes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1y0gDvqmx3kR0W2qJ7RgP-G3YBfZljpzl-Vew1Q5MuNY/edit?usp=sharing
Small herbaria constitute a large fraction of small U.S. biological collections. These collections are usually held in small or moderately sized colleges, universities, or regional biological research stations. Compared with larger institutions, small herbaria often lack staff to participate in regular exchange activities. Hence, their specimens tend to be isolated from and unduplicated in larger collections, making them a valuable target for digitization activities. Recent iDigBio workshops and communications suggest that interest in digitizing small herbaria is very high, and that rapid and complete digitization of these collections can be accomplished efficiently, quickly, and with relatively small investment. In short, digitizing these collections is imminently achievable.
A workshop will be held at Florida State University (FSU) on December 9-11, 2013, that is targeted at small herbaria (<100,000 specimens) interested in beginning digitization activities. The focus will be on preparing attendees to return to their home institutions with detailed knowledge required to begin an herbarium digitization program. The content will be focused and hands on. Participants will be able to experiment with three imaging stations using a variety of Canon and Nikon cameras, light stands, and an eBox light box. We will ensure that everyone has a working copy of Specify 6 at the end of the workshop, as well as an established node at the SERNEC or other Symbiota portal for uploading data and images to the web. We’ll distribute workflow documents as well as equipment specification documents. The workshop is by invitation only and is limited to 20 attendees in an effort to assemble a homogeneous group, eliminate overcrowding, and ensure a high quality experience.