The European MOBILISE COST Action sets out "to foster a cooperative network in Europe to support excellent research activities, and facilitate knowledge and technology transfer around natural science collections." As part of their efforts to prepare for the funding and implementation of DiSSCo, they are setting up their first First Training School on Digitization and Data Management of Collections!
iDigBio joins this effort to help join the efforts of the ADBC with the EU initiatives.
From their flyer:
MOBILISE COST* Action: “Mobilising Data, Policies and Experts in Scientific Collections”, in cooperation with GBIF and DISSCo, organises its first Training School (TS) in “Digitisation and data management challenges in small collections”. This hands-on and interactive training initiative will give the opportunity to Natural History Institutions holding small collections to get informed and exercised on the digitisation and management of their biological and geological collections in order to be able to develop their own Institutional Digitisation Strategy & Plan. This two-days TS will be held in Sofia, Bulgaria, on 14th and 15th of March, 2019, hosted by the Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research and the National Museum of Natural History – Sofia, both units of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.
Maybe you are wondering what COST is?
COST is an intergovernmental framework for European Cooperation in Science and Technology established to initiate networking and coordination of nationally funded research activities on a European level. It was established in 1971 by 19 member countries and currently includes 35 member countries across Europe, and Israel as a cooperating state. It facilitates bringing scientists together under light strategic guidance based on networks, called COST Actions, centred on research projects in fields that are of interest both to COST countries and cooperating countries.