Wonderful news for iDigBio fans and new friends!
iDigBio has produced an engaging two-minute video that describes the national digitization effort to make available the data associated with the more than one billion biological specimens housed in natural history collections across the country. The video is suitable for most audiences (including general audiences) and introduces the iDigBio project and its purpose. The video explains why both digitized information and ready access to that information are important to researchers, educators, government agencies, policy makers, businesses and the general public. In addition, it provides an overview of the digitization process and highlights some of the challenges faced when digitizing records and specimens from different types of collections.
Please help us promote interest in iDigBio and improve the public's understanding of the digitization process!
You can view/link to the video at iDigBio's Vimeo page or you can download it (80 MB). If you want a high definition copy, please contact Cathy Bester.
Also, look for the video on the Florida Museum of Natural History's YouTube and TeacherTube channels as well as NSF's Science360 website.
iDigBio has plans to create additional videos that will address digitization processes for different collections, provide training for collections professionals, or offer more information for specific audiences. Please feel free to suggest video topics helpful for your project and digitization needs.