The SPNHC 2019 theme: Making the Case for Natural History Collections offers everyone a chance to share the value of collections for society and science. iDigBio staff look forward to contributing to this story and visiting the Field Museum who are hosting this year's SPNHC meeting.
Some of the events iDigBio is organizing or participating in include:
- The ADBC-iDigBio Booth with a Data Help Desk
- Education Share Fair by the ADBC Education and Outreach Working Group, including a talk by iDigBio Graduate Student, Adania Flemming (Read Report Here)
- Symposium: Collecting Measures of Success, with presentations on collections metrics, their worldwide importance, challenges, and innovative insights. (Read Report Here)
- SCNet Symposium: No Collection Left Behind: Research Contributions of Small Collections (Read Report Here)
- A talk in the Symposium: Crowdsourcing Digitization: Partnerships, Platforms, And The Worldwide Engagement For Digitizing Biocollections (Wedigbio) Event
- ...and maybe a Special Interest Group meeting (SIG) getting software developers together from ARCTOS, Specify, Symbiota, Axiell EMu, and others to discuss software support for data robustness (and other related topics).
Read more about it on their website and get the latest news on twitter @ChicagoSPNHC and facebook.
Start Date:
Saturday, May 25, 2019 (All day) to Friday, May 31, 2019 (All day)
The Hilton Chicago and The Field Museum