We had an amazing time last week with the first-ever SACNAS Summer Bioblitz! The one-day virtual event hosted on the iNaturalist platform generated 252 observations of 160 species with 56 identifiers and 20 observers and more than 6 SACNAS chapters participating! As part of the bioblitz, we hosted a live panel with Miguel Ordeñana (Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County), Isabel Carrera Zamanillo (Stanford University), and Adania Flemming (University of Florida). Find the recording for that session here. Find posts and photos on Twitter with the #SACNASSummerBioblitz hashtag.
Jorge Ramos leading a bioblitz at Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve.
A huge thank you to our planning team: David Blackburn (iDigBio), Alnycea Blackwell (iDigBio), Adania Flemming (iDigBio), Elizabeth Ellwood (iDigBio), Sarah Kurtis (University of Florida) Miguel Ordeñana (Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County), Molly Phillips (iDigBio), Jorge Ramos (Stanford University), Eric Curiel (SACNAS), Joseph Ryan (University of Florida), and Daniel Olivares Zambrano (California State University-Los Angeles) and partners: Florida Museum, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, Stanford University, WeDigBio, and SACNAS.
SACNAS UCLA Chapter out and about for the bioblitz.