Announcement text from ICEDIG BLOG post.
The DiSSCo community is proud to announce DiSSCo RIsing, a series of exciting events that will take place in Helsinki, Finland in February 2020, hosted by the Finnish Museum of Natural History LUOMUS. Three full days devoted to DiSSCo-linked activities that will bring together scientists from the taxonomic research and bio and geo-diversity data domains, collection managers, policy makers, businesses and other important stakeholders.
The ICEDIG Final Conference will open DiSSCo RIsing and will bring together a number of high-level key-note speakers, as to embed this successful research project within the broader landscape and to lay out the path going forward. The conference is open to the public and will additionally be streamed live, for all those interested that will be unable to make it to Helsinki.
At the DiSSCo Prepare Kick-off meeting, the community will take the results from the ICEDIG project, and hand them over to the follow-up project DiSSCo Prepare. Within the following years, DiSSCo prepare partners will work to raise the readiness level of DiSSCo towards actually constructing the research infrastructure and ensuring it becomes fully operational in the near future. This being a project meeting, participation is limited to members of the consortium and invited guests.
DiSSCo RIsing will start with the ICEDIG project’s final conference. Subsequently, the DiSSCo Prepare consortium will meet for their kick-off meeting and, finally, DiSSCo will celebrate its inaugural General Assembly:
February 26th - ICEDIG FInal Conference (open to the public)
February 27th - DiSSCo Prepare Kick-off meeting (DiSSCo Prepare Consortium members and invited guests only)
February 28th - DiSSCo General Assembly (representatives of the DiSSCo consortium only - By invitation only).
From iDigBio, Deborah Paul will be presenting one of the invited Plenary talks, titled: Digitizing Collections: Program Model Insights and Future US Digitization Directions.