Advancing the Digitization of Biological Collections (ADBC) has allowed museums and smaller collections to become more accessible through online data aggregators and interactive websites. Many of the Thematic Collection Networks within the ADBC community have produced K-12 educational material as a product of their digitization efforts. The paleo-themed programs in ADBC, along with several other outside initiatives have come together to organize a, one-day workshop in association with the 2019 North American Paleontological Convention (NAPC) on June 25, 2019. You do not need to register for the conference to participate in the workshop.
This will be a free workshop and will provide teachers with the knowledge of how to access paleontological-related material, background on the content, and hands-on experience with the activities. The workshop will instill confidence in teachers in using the material as they get questions answered and learn the content directly from the experts prior to utilizing the lessons in their own classrooms. Teachers will leave with a thumb drive with informational content, lesson plans, other relevant information, and a new network of professionals to consult.
Learn more and register here.