The University of California Museum of Paleontology (UCMP), iDigBio, and the University of Colorado Museum of Natural History Paleontology Collection are pleased to announce Digital Data in Paleontological Research, a workshop for the paleosciences, to be held at UCMP, 27-28 March 2017. The application deadline is 7 October 2017.
The theme of the workshop focuses on tools, strategies, pipelines, and workflows for generating and using digitized data for paleontological research and other activities. Content will be partly determined by input from workshop applicants (see below) and will include, but not be limited to:
Role, use, and potential of “big data” techniques in paleontological research
Tools and workflows in support of replicable science
Integrating digital data into research pipelines
Data analysis pipelines (including data cleaning)
Data as collection objects
Digital data preservation and archiving
The importance of data sharing
Digital Asset Management systems
Tracking and attributing the use of digital data
Image analysis
Using digitized collections data for taxonomy and systematics
GIS and machine learning approaches to studying morphology
Georeferencing in Deep Time
Predictive discovery of fossil localities
Paleo-ecologic niche modelling
Field to database: Virtual field experiences
We have funding to support lodging, food, and travel for approximately 30 participants.
What: Digital Data in Paleontological Research
When: 27-28 March 2017
Where: University of California Museum of Paleontology, Berkeley, CA
Planning team: Erica Clites, Patricia Holroyd, Talia Karim, Gil Nelson
Apply to attend: Click here
Application deadline: 7 October 2016