Release Date:
Monday, April 25, 2016
Are you preparing a project proposal for the Advancing Digitization of Biodiversity Collections (ADBC) program? Visit the National Science Foundations Blog for the Division of Biological Infrastructure to find information regarding ADBC budget justifications & decisions.
The blog post includes the following factors considered by the ADBC Program when reviewing budget requests for proposals:
- Does the PI make a well-reasoned argument for the cost of digitization based on the specimen preservation method (e.g., herbarium sheets, insect trays, fluid preserved specimens)?
- What aspect of digitization is the PI proposing; in other words, will the project involve 2D or 3D imaging of specimens, label capture, digitization of field notes and other ancillary data, or georeferencing? This information will aid in the justification of the budget amount.
- There is also the expectation that new projects will build upon existing efficiencies or improve upon methods or workflows that have already been developed by others. For example, does the proposed project leveraged resources from existing Thematic Collection Networks (TCNs) or incorporated lessons learned from similar efforts? Have others digitized this particular organism? If so, will those existing data be leveraged for the proposed project?
View more in the blog post here.