UPDATE: Link to Recording (in case you missed it): Partnering with libraries for data management
What: Webinar - Partnering with libraries for data management
Presenter: Brian Westra, Lorry Lokey Science Data Services Librarian University of Oregon Libraries
When: Noon to 1 PM EDT on Monday 20 October 2014
Where: http://idigbio.adobeconnect.com/datamgmt
iDigBio is about partnerships and collaboration, and libraries and archives are increasingly interested in partnering with scientists to support research data management. I'll briefly describe some of the projects I'm working on, and the questions and challenges I'm encountering as a data services librarian supporting researcher's biodiversity and ecological datasets. These include supporting small collections, migrating data into more supportive systems (e.g., Specify), and facilitating management and preservation of image data (OMERO)*. I have plenty of questions; perhaps you have answers!
Format: Presentation followed by open community discussion as part of an on-going series from the iDigBio Data Management Interest Group (DMI).
*What's OMERO you ask? See: OME Remote Objects (OMERO): a flexible, model-driven data management system for experimental biology and About OMERO.