CitStitch Hackathon

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UPDATE: See CitStitch Hackathon Wiki

iDigBio ( and Zooniverse's Notes from Nature Project ( are pleased to announce the CitStitch Hackathon.  The goal of the event is to build interoperability among projects that enables public participation in the digitization of biodiversity research specimens in useful and exciting ways. Two or more development tracks will be identified by hackathon participants during one or more remote meetings prior to the hackathon. These tracks could involve such things as (1) innovative cross-platform ways to deploy and manage public participation projects, (2) services for data analysis and visualization to engage the public or inform project management, (3) novel ways to advertise and grow public participation projects, or (4) ingestion of crowdsourced data into biodiversity collection data management systems. The CitStitch Hackathon is being organized by Austin Mast (Florida State University) and Rob Guralnick (University of Colorado–Boulder), with input from an organizing committee additionally composed of Ben Brumfield, Libby Ellwood, Paul Flemons, Ed Gilbert, Greg Newman, and Nelson Rios.  

**If you wish to be considered for one of about 5–7 open invitations (of a total of about 30), please send (1) your CV/resume, (2) a short description (<250 words) of your relevant expertise (citing example products where appropriate), (3) a short description of the functionality that you'd like to develop in this domain, and (4) the days that you can attend to Austin Mast ( by Monday, September 1, for assured consideration.  We especially encourage qualified graduate students and postdoctoral scholars to apply.**

Start Date: 
Wednesday, December 03, 2014 - 8:00am EST to Friday, December 05, 2014 - 5:00pm EST
University of Florida
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