BIS (TDWG) 2014 Symposium: Access to digitization tools and methods

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Looking for digitization tools and methods to share. Got any? UPDATE: See Wiki: Access to Digitisation Tools and Methods, for information about this symposium including line-up of talks.

UPDATE: To listen remotely, log in to on the  27th of October, from 11 am to 530 pm (Swedish Time). (Technology willing!).

...A broad digitisation symposium to include talks by institutes/people from around the world to include a wide range of different sized institutes.This broad digitisation symposium will include multiple sessions, to cover the different elements of digitisation.The key focus is to cover the developments that are occurring in digitisation but with a strong emphasis on the accessibility of tools and protocols. Think open source / open access. Tools and methods need to be applicable and relevant to the broader community, especially to the developing nations and to those just beginning to initiate digitization infrastructures.

Examples of topics include tools for data/metadata capture and enrichment such as Optical Character Recognition (OCR), text mining, Natural Handwriting Recognition (NHR), Natural Language Processing (NLP), their availability and how they are being adopted and adapted. How are these tools being used currently, and how can we ensure that they are accessible to all? In addition, what are the tools in use for image capture and management, quality control and long-term preservation of images? What techniques are in use by many institutes, who are capturing images of their natural history collections and related objects like field notebooks, illustrations, labels, card catalogs, journals, and literature?

We plan to have remote access and to record these talks. If the technology allows, you can listen to this symposium from

For schedule see Wiki: Access to Digitisation Tools and Methods, for information about this symposium including line-up of talks. Open the Google Doc for Symposium list of talks and times (in Swedish Time, that is)!

Symposium Date: Monday Oct 27th, 2014

Symposium Conveners: iDigBio, the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (RBGE), the Natural History Museum (NHM), and Synthesys3.