ASM 2016 Geometric Morphometrics Workshop

iDigBio co-sponsored a full-day Geometric Morphometrics Workshop with the American Society of Mammalogists (ASM) June 24, 2016, during the 96th Annual Meeting of ASM. The workshop was organized and convened by Kieran McNulty, Miriam Zelditch, and Don Swiderski.

During the morning of the workshop, Miriam gave a comprehensive lecture introducing geometric morphometrics. Topics covered during the lecture included: what is a landmark; how to collect landmark data; how to remove non-shape variation; how to analyze shape data (including Principal Components Analyses, Canonical Varieties Analysis, Procrustes Anova, and tree-based analyses); and how to display results for interpretation.

After the lecture, Don and Miriam gave demonstrations on both analytic and digitizing software. For two-dimensional data, they recommend a program called tpsDig, and for three-dimensional data, they recommend using Geomorph. Participants were guided through several morphometric analyses exercises using several R packages provided before the workshop.