Title: Advanced Collection Management Using Arctos: Publications and projects demonstrate a collection’s impact
When: Tuesday, October 8, 2019 at 3pm ET
Where: https://idigbio.adobeconnect.com/room
Summary: New knowledge described in scientific publications is the ultimate product of museum specimen use. Arctos, an online museum collection management solution, allows for publications to be linked to the specific specimens that they reference. The impact of any single specimen, accession, loan, or collection as a whole can then be quantified in terms of publications produced or specimens cited. Publications citing voucher specimens are displayed in the Arctos specimen record, allowing future researchers and curators to see which analyses have been done previously on specimens of interest, thereby eliminating redundant subsampling or handling. Arctos “projects” allow for the aggregation of data from accessions, loans, publications, and specimen records into a single-page display of the impact that a curator-defined “project” has produced. Arctos projects can be very useful in reporting, and in many cases may replace a written report prepared for granting agencies, institutional departments, or government agencies (NPS, USFWS, etc.). We will demonstrate how publications are entered, specimens are linked through citations, and how projects are built to show a collection’s impact within Arctos.
Presenter: Aren Gunderson (University of Alaska Museum of the North)
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