2021 ADBC Summit

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The 2021 ADBC Summit will be abbreivated compared to past Summits. TCN presentations are scheduled for September 21st from 1-4 pm Eastern. A detailed agenda for this Summit can be found on the event wiki here.

Biodiversity Digitization: Celebrating a decade of progressa full two-day virtual event will follow the Summit, September 22-23. The event will be co-sponsored by iDigBio, Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History, and GBIF, highlighting the collective successes of mobilization and digitization efforts in the US and abroad.

New TCNs will have 15 minutes to present and existing active TCNs will have 10 minutes to present. Existing TCN presentations will occur within two concurrent session blocks and will be recorded to allow for synchronous and asynchronous viewing. Orientation will be covered over a series of webinars prior to the September event.

Please Register to attend sessions live. Recordings will be posted after the event.
Zoom Room 1: https://bit.ly/3jSZnHq
Zoom Room 2: https://bit.ly/3s7Zse4

Start Date: 
Tuesday, September 21, 2021 - 1:00pm to 4:00pm EDT
Recording policy: 
By attending iDigBio’s online events, you accept that the event will be recorded and posted for later asynchronous viewing.
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