iDigBio Bibliography

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Preparing and Applying for Graduate School, McNair, Ronald Erwin , (2013)
The Potential Impacts of Working in Collections as an Undergraduate, Monfils, Anna, and Ellis Shari , (2014)
PhyloJIVE (and others): Integrating biodiversity data with the Tree of Life, Miller, Joe , (2014)
Photography equipment and techniques, Mayer, Paul , (2014)
Photography 101 for 'TORCH VIII + iDigBio', McCaffrey, Joanna , (2014)
Photography 101 for Small Herbaria Digitization, McCaffrey, Joanna , (2013)
Photography 101 for Small Herbaria Digitization, McCaffrey, Joanna, and Nelson Gil , (2013)
Photography 101 for "Biological Collections in the Pacific', McCaffrey, Joanna , (2014)
Partnering for Prosperity: Community Collaboration in the furtherance of collections-based paleontology at Cincinnati Museum Center, Storrs, Glenn W., Hunda Brenda R., and Meyer Davis L. , (2014)
Outsider's view inside NSF: Trends and Tips, MacFadden, Bruce, and Beaman Reed , (2014)
Organizing, Executing and Utilizing a Digitized Regional Herbarium, Monfils, Anna , (2013)
Oregon State Arthropod Collection, Marshall, Chris , (2014)
Optical character recognition (OCR) in linking entomological labels with field notebook data., Mononen, Tero, Sääskilahti Mira, Saarenmaa Hannu, , Tegelberg Riitta, and Karppinen Janne , (2014)
The Open Drawer Project - Providing free access to high resolution images of entomological collection drawers, Kroupa, Alexander, Häuser Christoph, Hagedorn Gregor, Maier Felix, Schurian Bernhard, Glöckler Falko, and Schmidt Stefan , (2014)
Novel Collecting Techniques for Fireflies and other Bioluminescent Beetles, Marshall, Stephen , (2014)
New Mexico Friends of Paleontology:A volunteer group committed to the advancement of paleontology in New Mexico, Morgan, Gary, Bedarski Sheila, and Neely Lannois , (2014)
National Specimen Information Infrastructure of China, Ma, Keping , (2014)
Mutually Beneficial Symbiosis of Data, Thomas, Jennifer C., Woller Derek A., and Maier Crystal A. , (2014)
Moving Data to iDigBio and Other Aggregators , McCaffrey, Joanna , (2014)
Mississippi Herbaria Consortium, McCook, Lucile , (2013)
Michigan Small Herbarium Initiative: The Trial From an Idea to Specimen Digitization, Rabeler, Richard, Monfils Anna, and Evans Timothy , (2014)
Managing Digitization Projects with Biospex. , Riccardi, Greg, Ellwood Elizabeth, Mast Austin, Bruhn Robert, and Spinks Jeremy , (2014)
The Key to the Cabinets to Building and Sustaining a Research Database for a Global Biodiversity Hotspot, Murrell, Zack , (2014)
Introductions, Workshop Overview, Adobe Connect, Goals of the Workshop, Paul, Deb, Shortnose David, and Macklin James , (2015)
Introductions, Workshop Overview, Adobe Connect, Goals of the Workshop, Paul, Deb, Shorthouse David, and Macklin James , (2015)
