iDigBio Bibliography

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Maximizing and sources of student labor , Gillespie, Emily , (2015)
Measuring Megalodon: classroom driven research made possible with 3D technology, Perez, Victor J., Grant Claudia, Hendrickson Megan, and Tovani Jason , 2015 GSA Annual Meeting, 2015, Baltimore, Maryland, (2015)
Mechanisms of community input and the future of digitization at NSF, Edwards, Scott V. , (2015)
Meeting report: Identifying practical applications of ontologies for biodiversity informatics, Deck, John, Guralnick Robert, Walls Ramona, Blum Stanley, Haendel Melissa, Matsunaga Andréa, and Wieczorek John , Standards in Genomic Sciences C7 - 25, Volume 10, p.1-6, (2015)
Megalodon Extinction, Pimiento, Catalina , Carr 211, (2015)
More data than we know what to do with? Biodiversity informatics skills needs in the research data pipeline, Paul, Deborah, Michonneau François, and Seltmann Katja , TDWG 2015, (2015)
Motivating Digitization Personnel, Gall, Larry , (2015)
New England Vascular Plants Tcn workflows, Sweeney, Patrick , (2015)
Notes From Nature: Advancing a next generation citizen science platform for biodiversity transcription, Guralnick, Robert Penn, Denslow Michael W., and Mast Austin , TDWG 2015, (2015)
NYBG workflows , Watson, Kimberly , (2015)
Pacific NW herbarium consortium workflows, Legler, Ben , (2015)
Paleoteach: use of paleontological data for K-12 education, Grant, Claudia , 2015 GSA Annual Meeting, 11/2015, Baltimore, Maryland, (2015)
Polyploidy and novelty: Gottlieb’s legacy, Soltis, Pamela S., Liu Xiaoxian, D. Marchant Blaine, Visger Clayton J., and Soltis Douglas E. , Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 2014, Volume 369, (2015)
Poster: ARPO-Augmented Reality for Public Outreach, Basham, Melody A., Mast Austin R., and Franz Nico M. , (2015)
Powering up Workflows with Volunteers and Division of Labour, Flemons, Paul , (2015)
Practitioner tools and resources for evaluating learning outcome in citizen science_Webinar, Phillips, Tina , (2015)
Pre-digitization Curation, Thomas, Jennifer , (2015)
Providing the computing skills for the next generation of biodiversity scientists, Michonneau, François, and Paul Deborah L. , SPNHC 2015, (2015)
Publishing data on Dryad, Vision, Todd , (2015)
Raw Data Cleaning, Validation and Enhancement: Using Open Refine, Paul, Deborah , (2015)
Recruiting and Managing Volunteers in Small Collections, Islam, Melissa , (2015)
Reproducible Science Day 1: 9am-10:30am, iDigBio , (2015)
Reproducible Science Day 1:1:30pm- 3pm, iDigBio , (2015)
Reproducible Science Day 2: 9am-10:30am, iDigBio , (2015)
Reproducible Science Day 2:11am- 12:30pm, iDigBio , (2015)
