iDigBio Bibliography

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Conner Museum (Washington State University), , (2013)
Considerations for selecting a collections management system, McCaffrey, Joanna , (2015)
Consortium of California Herbaria, Baxter, David , (2013)
Consortium of California Herbaria workflows , Nazaire, Mare , (2015)
Consortium of Pacific Northwest Herbaria, Legler, Ben , (2013)
Consortium of Pacific Northwest Herbaria, Legler, Ben , (2013)
Contemporary Methods in Assembling and Using the Tree of Life. , Soltis, Pamela , (2013)
Contemporary Methods in Assembling and Using the Tree of Life, Soltis, Pamela , (2013)
Cornell University Museum of Vertebrates, , (2013)
Creating a 21st Century Virtual Herbarium at the University of Maryland, Schuster, Tanja M., Anderson Nikolaus G., and Neel Maile C. , (2013)
Creating Herbarium Labels with Mail Merge in Word, Carter, Richard , (2013)
Creating Herbarium Labels with Mail Merge in Word, Carter, Richard , (2013)
Creating workflows for effective data migration and imaging in an invertebrate paleontology collection, Molineux, Ann , (2013)
Creation of Virtual Collections Available to all Through the Use of, Boyer, Doug , (2015)
Creative methods for utilizing collections for education and outreach, Singer, Randy , (2015)
Creative ways to use botanical specimens in climate change research, Primack, Richard , (2013)
Crowd-sourced science: digitized natural history collections extends its branches to education and outreach, Von Konrat, Matt , (2014)
Crowdsourcing: Available Resources, Flemons, Paul , (2014)
Crowdsourcing Biodiversity Data Mobilization, Ellwood, Elizabeth R. , TDWG 2015, (2015)
Crowdsourcing Collection Digitization: Solving a Science Problem and Improving STEM Literacy, Mast, Austin R. , (2015)
Crowd-sourcing, Public Participation, and Data Enrichment Using crowd-sourcing tools , Fisher, Nicole , (2014)
Crowd-sourcing, volunteers, blitzes , Mast, Austin , (2015)
CSIRO Workshop: Integrated Digitized Biocollections(iDigBio) An Introduction, Nelson, Gil , (2013)
CT scanning of museum specimens in research: a case study, McCune, Amy , (2015)
Curating a Natural History Collection while succeeding in Academia (and helping to make a better place for collections and curators), Mcdade, Lucinda , (2014)
