iDigBio Bibliography

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The Digitization Experience at Florida State University's Robert K. Godfrey Herbarium, Mast, Austin , (2013)
Digitization Challenges: A Paleobotany & Microplaleontology Perspective, Landis, Margaret , (2014)
Digitization at the NCSU Insect Museum and the Frost Entomological Museum, Deans, Andy , (2015)
Digitisation Workflows, Tools and Techniques- Whole drawer Imaging, Fisher, Nicole , (2014)
Digitisation of Insect Collection at the British Museum of Natural History,, Blagoderov, Vladimir , (2015)
Digitial online measuring at the Bailey Hortorium, Nixon, Kevin , (2015)
Digitally archiving localities through the use of their coordinates, Smith, Amy , (2015)
Digital Preservation begins at creation , Shaner, Susan , (2014)
Digital Object and Text Encoding Standards, Catapano, Terry , (2014)
Digital Imaging of Biological Type Specimens: A Manual of Best Practice, Results from a study of the European Network for Biodiversity Information, Häuser, Christoph L., Steiner Axel, Holstein Joachim, and Scoble Malcolm J. , (2005)
Digital Imaging: Ethics, Cromey, D. , (2005)
Digital Imaging Basics:From Y2K to the Present, Burkhalter, Roger J. , (2013)
Digital Fossils in the High School Classroom: Turning Promise into Practice, Farke, Andrew , (2015)
Digital Bee Collection Network : DBCNet ( NSF-BRC Grant ), Yanega , (2010)
Digital Asset Management System (DAMS), McCaffrey, Joanna , (2015)
Dicerandra: Understanding Past Distributions, Naranjo, Andre, and Soltis Pamela S. , 2016 Florida Rare Plant Task Force Meeting, "Challenges Facing Rare Plants", 04/2016, Bok Tower Gardens, Lake Wales, FL, (2016)
Developing Robust Object-to-Image-to-Data Workflows (DROID 1/2/3), Nelson, Gil , (2012)
Developing Cross-Disciplined Skills, Seide, Sascha , (2014)
Developing a Centralized Digital Archive of Vouchered Animal Communication Signals, Webster, Michael , (2013)
Developing a Centralized Digital Archive of Vouchered Animal Communication Signals, Webster, Michael , (2013)
Developing a Centralized Digital Archive of Vouchered Animal Communication Signals, Webster, Michael , (2013)
Developing a Centralized Digital Archive of Vouchered Animal Communication Signals, Medler, Mathew , (2014)
Developing a Centralized Digital Archive of Vouchered Animal Communication Signals, Medler, Mathew , Recorded Presentation, (2014)
Designing Effective Workflows, Nelson, Gil , (2015)
Denver Museum of Nature and Science, Zoology Collections, , (2013)
